city of the spider queen 5e conversion

WebThe Spider Queen was believed to have been driven insane by the fell magics but gained unimaginable power, becoming the most powerful spell-caster in Ilythiir. Refer to the Raiding Party de- along a wide, dusty track. behind it. Creatures (EL 9): Two black puddings seep across the walls,ceilings, and floor of this room, eating any organic matter Creatures: Two of the guards are sentries in the livery of Irae(except members of the cult) that dares intrude into Ghau- Tsarran (white tabards bearing leering black skulls). The details are likelyto be more accurate if the informant is charmed. DEAD ENDTheod, divine favor on himself, and deathwatch. simply as Ripper. Still another threat wards this vault of the Quallem family the ghost of Lady Quallem, head of the family. Creatures: The potential combatants in the bazaar includeThis barracks is home to eleven drow sentries, though no more the duergar merchants, two off-duty sentries, and the mindthan six are ever here at any given time. as mentioned Haste is intergral in many of the combats. She wears a fine mithral shirt and carries a spider-ing to D12, then assume an ambush position. Anyone who Two doors behind her and two doors flanking her lead outmoves more than 5 feet into the room without speaking the from this antechamber.pass phrase (a long-forgotten word) or disarming the glyph setsoff the trap. Lots of FR specific stuff that doesn't have any equivalent in The Morcane, kept alive since the fall of her family primarily toquth-maren that heads clockwise (out the northeast door) serve as food for the vampire guards. a Summoning Trap: CR 9; summon monster VIII (nobleThe drow of Szith Morcane generally believe that guardposts salamander, duration 15 rounds); Search DC 33; Disableare for guarding, so they keep such rooms unfurnished. A humanoid skeleton lies beside the stream, one ar- mored leg dangling into the clear water. Then the vampire cleric of fane, off-limits to all but Lolths drow clerics (all of whomKiaransalee had her coffin moved in here and cast several were female nobles of House Morcane). Development: In Part 2 of the adventure, the officers may Alerted Creatures (EL 0): The room is empty. Then they tore apart the cupboards and set up elements; 3rdbestow curse, deeper darkness, invisibility purge,these coffins as resting places for the three guards who became magic circle against good*.vampires (the two posted in S39 plus the one in S41). Apply the revenant templateimydra, not earlier in the trek. Though they arepoint for the rope of climbing kept in S1; if that rope is taken, sworn enemies of the drow who cast them out, the driders arethe drow tie a normal knotted rope here and leave it in place. The smell of sweat lingers in the air, along with some less Most of the papers on the writing tables are uninteresting: pleasant odors. It is unoccupied, and the foodstuffs stored here are A ledge, about 10 feet off the ground, runs the length ofuninspiringdried rations form the bulk of the stores. Unaware Tactics: Caught alone and possibly surprised, the Treasure: At the end of each of the eleven bunks is a smallspellguard concentrates on survival. It is unfurnished and undecorated.Ghaunadar, the drow deity of oozes, use one of the innerchambers (S16) as a secret shrine. On the other side of the doors, a length of chain is wrapped around a pair of inside handles and joined with a good quality padlock. You may, of course, alter the following ruption expands to a 150-mile radius. On the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics. He wears a mithral shirt and carries a largeWhat the Drow KnowThe drow on this level know more than any other drow in what has happened in Szith Morcane. (D14) for a feast. Each of these cities has its own unique perils, but in the context of this adventure they serve as excellent refuges and armories. While the drow of Maer- You have received an urgent summons to the hall of Lordimydra also ruled Shadowdale, Szith Morcane served as a Randal Morn, ruler of Daggerdale. If harassed by opponents whoconstructed like a ladder, requires a successful Climb check (DC are not stuck or entangled, including flying characters, the0). This is an enchant- ment (mind-affecting) effect subject to spell resistance. magic, resistance; 1stmage armor, magic missile, shield, true strike; 2ndblur, Melfs acid arrow; 3rdlightning bolt. have been dug into the walls here. 2002 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Made in the U.S.A. Visit our website at of ContentsContentsIntroduction 3 Magical Transport 46 Conclusion 114 Preparation 3 Trekking Through the Further Adventures 114 Adventure Background 3 46 Adventure Outline 4 Deep Wastes 46 Appendix 1: Monsters and Magic 115 Character Hooks 4 Deep Wastes Features 46 Running the Adventure 4 Random Encounters 49 Abyssal Ghoul 115 Faerzress and the Underdark 5 Starting Out 49 Sidebar: Kiaransalee 5 Naga Crawls 50 Demon, Blood Fiend 116 Keeping Track of Time 5 Lake of Shadows 50 Resting and Re-equipping 6 Lower Caverns 52 Demon, Maurezhi (Tanarri) 117 Playing the Villains Smart 7 Upper Caverns 53 Triggers 7 On the Lake 54 Drider Vampire 118 Iraes Responses 8 Shrine of the Claw 56 Cast of Characters 9 Across the Lake of Shadows 57 Sidebar: Spiderkind 119 Wailing Cliff 57 Sidebar: Fighting in the Air 59 Golem, Spiderstone 120 The Middle Stretch 60 Yrthak Cavern 61 Jade Spider 121 Vournoths Mire 63 Last Leg Orb Wraith 122 Quth-Maren 123 Wraith Spider 123 Arachnoid Creature (Template) 124Part 1: Spinning the Web 10 Half-Dragon, FaernianAdventure Start 10 (Template) 126Dordrien Crypts 11 Keening Spirit (Template) 126Dordrien Crypts Features 11 Revenant (Template) 127Sidebar: The Lords of Silveraith (Template) 127Dordrien 11 Part 3: Maerimydra 64 New Special Items 128Surface Level 12 The Burning City 64 New Magic Items 129Crypt Level 15 Sidebar: Maerimydra and theUnderdark Level 18 Drow of Cormanthor 65 Appendix 2: Creature Statistics 131Szith Morcane 20 Sidebar: Weave Disruptions 68 Part 1: Spinning the Web 131Szith Morcane Features 20 Sites in Maerimydra 69 Dordrien Crypts 131Retaliation 20 Sidebar: Politics in Sidebar: Drow Traits 132Sidebar: Intruder Alert! Espruar script. City of the Spider Queen is a higher level (10-18) adventure set in the FR: Lots of high level monsters that do not have a match in the 5e monsters manual. While the outer doors are open during the day, sunlight illuminates the first 15 feet of the hallway. Some of these spiders are sitting a Greater Glyph of Warding (Blast): CR 7; 5-foot radius still, others are crawling slowly around. One end extends out into a occasionally joining to form a solid column. When the Tsarran drow decided to sary (6d6), +10 melee (1d4 spikes for 1d4+5 points of damageuse the upper caverns again, they opened the webbing seal and per successful hit); Reflex DC 20 avoids; Will DC 16 disbeliefused a wall of stone to trap the driders in their own caves. With its tremorsense, it can detect the approachof any character who traverses point X on the map. His use of the Shadow Weave makes both unwittingly. The most striking aspect of her transforma- tion is her eyes, which are large and multifaceted. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Lots of magic items etc per every encounter. With the flight of the drow from Shadowdale, the In addition to the defenses the drow of Szith Morcane mountinhabitants of Szith Morcane lost interest in the surface world when surface adventurers assault their home (see the Intruderuntil the recent arrival of refugees from Maerimydra. Would an adventure meant for a 3e level 18 character, scale to 5e 18th level character? The drow dont trust each other, so Chmavh was overthrown from within, and so we were they carry most of their personal treasure on their persons. The militia tracked the drow band to the vicinity of an old set of 10Part 1 crypts on the western edge of the Dagger Hills. Iraes minions were in- calls for refreshments. Any captured drow provides a false description, The vampire noble guards in S39 and S41 know nothing causing teleport spells to fail or malfunction (see Reachingabout the events in Maerimydra, but they know all about Maerimydra Through Magic). (Strength DC 28), enter in ethereal or gaseous form them-Common citizens were interred in the natural caverns below. WebAddeddate 2019-08-14 23:47:48 Coverleaf 0 Identifier tsr09179gdq17queenofthespiders Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t54f9mm6q Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) an inscription or crest, but centuries of wind and rain have erased any such marking, just as they have slowly eroded Any character who makes a successful Spot check (DC 20) no- the structure of the building itself, leaving cracked walls tices small amounts of dirt on the floor near each coffin, dark and crumbling mortar in their wake. 71 Szith Morcane 135Bazaar Level 26 Castle Maerimydra 77 Part 2: The Deep Wastes 140Commoners Level 29 The Castle Design 78 Random Encounters 140Sidebar: A Common Castle Maerimydra Features 78 The Lake of Shadows 141Drow Household 29 Key to Castle Maerimydra 81 Sidebar: Kuo-Toa Traits 142Inverted Tower Level 32 Sidebar: Alert on Level One 83 The Wailing Cliff 143House Morcane Level 37 Sidebar: Alert on Level Two 87 Sidebar: Kir-Lanan Abilities 144Sidebar: The Trouble with Sidebar: Alert on Upper Levels 93 Vournoths Mire 145Forbiddance 38 Part 3: Maerimydra 146Sidebar: What the Part 4: The Undying Temple 102 The Burning City 146 Undying Temple Features 102Drow Know 39 Destroying the Undying Castle Maerimydra 149 Temple 103Sidebar: Dont Miss Encounters in the Undying Part 4: The Undying Temple 156 Temple 104This Clue 42 Key to the Undying Temple 104 Sidebar: Ethereal PlaneFane of Lolth 42 Features 110Part 2: The Deep Wastes 45 The Way to Maerimydra 45 From the Surface 45 2City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern.Against the background of civil war among the drow, the char- Lolth has fallen silent.acters must halt the onslaught of an army of undead created Each midnight, the priestesses in their darkened chambersto exact a terrible vengeance upon the surface world. For the purpose of this encounter, assume that the The tangles are shelters for the spiders that live in this cavern.guards take 10 on their Listen and Spot checks and apply a Creatures: Two Huge monstrous spiders lair in this cave.5 penalty for inattention. Adventure[1] Two this room. Her activities on vengeance and the undead. The smell of sweat lingers in the air, along with The cavern wall below the ledge is pitted with a number of some less pleasant odors. Male Drow Fighter: +1 mithral shirt, large steel shield, D13. While transformed, you still retain a link to your spider familiar. The Climb check DC for sections of malevolent than a normal vermin, this spider is hardly athe chasm wall that are not covered in webbing is 15. genius. ganized jumble. as mentioned Haste is intergral in many of the combats. Latar is canny enough to insist thatthe group delay its attack until the targets have camped for a Insanity Mist Vapor Trap: CR 8; insanity mist poison,the night and most of them are asleep. Very nally peters out 5 miles farther east.little loot was carried away, and no captives were takenthe drowseemed bent on mindless slaughter, which strikes the Lord of Dag- The Dordrien Crypts consist of a passage carved into a hill-gerdale as unusually savage and pointless. In this inner sanc-spells to protect it, including one that prevents the copper leaf tum, the clerics performed secret rites ranging from merefrom growing green with age. A ladder that strongly resembles a spiderweb leads up to the tunnel Like the guards on the Barracks level, the drow on this level mouth. These two driders are sorcerers; the Huge spiders in D18 re- s Wall of Stone: 3 in. A high stool stands in the center of the room, withgreen skin. Lots of monsters with class levels, harder to figure out what that means in terms of CR and encounter difficulty in 5e. The Naga Crawls area is akeep an eye on movements and conditions in the surrounding dead end; characters who go there must backtrack to the forkarea. Editor(s) The drow sentries carry most ofshield. S7. During Szith Morcanes retreat from the outside world, a wall of stone blocked this cavern off from the crypts above. round of combat, he casts haste and then ice storm. Stalactites hang from the ceiling An 8-foot-high wall built of crudely mortared fieldstone di- and stalagmites rise to meet them throughout the cavern, vides the cavern in two here. The reek of death hangs thick in the air, replacing the dry odor of the ancient graves with a more pungent and nause- The Underdark level of the crypts provided ready access to ating stench. 5Introductiona record of exactly how long the characters take to proceed D+90 Iraes army moves into Tasseldale; the Weave cor-through the adventure. ter. Read the following text when the characters enter one of them: s Hewn Stone Walls: Minimum 3 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp540; AC 3; break DC 50; Climb DC 22. Unless the characters are following one of the clearedstand watch here, dealing with any disturbances among the paths, climbing an escarpment requires a successful Climbslaves and the common drow on this level. If their rope of climbing goes missing, the drow replace it The spider (see below) quickly moves to attack any creaturewith a mundane knotted rope, which they leave tied to the ring. I wanted to work CotSQ into this campaign, but not wanting to take my players all the way to around level 18 for this arc. A character who can somehow get to the padlock securing the inside chain can open it with a successful Open Lock check (DC 30). Also, Castle Maerimydra is travelers must occasionally wade through icy-cold water forprotected by a forbiddance spell that prevents teleportation hundreds of feet at a stretch.into it (see Castle Maerimydra). The two women are twins and fierce rivals, so the Creatures: Zedarr Tsarran, Dorinas brother, now occupieslargest of the three bedrooms remains vacant because the this chamber, along with his cohort, a displacer beast knowntwins could not agree on which of them should have it. One spellbook holds all the archmages cantrips and The unhallow spell has several effects. The graves here are protection +2. Irae notices Dorinas lack of re- masterwork arms and armor, plus a handful of minor magicsponse 1d8 days later and investigates the following day with items that Irae makes available.discern location, scrying, and similar spells. The two quth- manage to catch them off-guard, read the text below:marens and the Tsarran niece are from S42. The wraith spider was commanded by one of the Tsarran nieces (a 10th-level cleric) to stand watch here and attack Crystal formations sprout like leafy ferns from every sur- any creatures indicated by the slave overseers. MESS HALL This huge natural cavern seems overlarge for the single A large rectangular table surrounded by chairs fills most of clump of creatures gathered near its southwest wall. Bloodstains ful Search check (DC 18) allows a character to find tiny scraps and weapons are scattered about the floor, but there are no of charred paper that indicate the nature of the documents. One of the most atmospheric and brutal of the DnD campaigns out there right now, this adventure will take you to the depths of despair and horror. STUDENTS QUARTERS (EL 9) This small, square room is unfurnished and undecorated. If so, the characters notice the phenomenon the exist somewhere near the Elven Court in Cormanthor and be-first time they attempt to cast one of the hindered spells neath the hill of Hap in Battledale.during their travels through the Deep Wastes. DC 32; lift DC 30; Open Lock DC 30. On severalDagger Falls if necessary. A pile of cin- section of the temple. Do I increase/reduce the number of enemies that PCs should face in each encounter? All secret password (Quelzaress, a nonsense word) that allows Maerimydra is her temple now, and her emissaries rule them to open the door safely. They answer to Dorina Tsarran in Szith Morcane.L Lake of Shadows C Castle Maerimydra Wisp: A half-drow rogue in Maerimydra, member of the Hidden.W Wailing Cliff U Undying Temple Wyrruth: An ambassador from the City of Shade, guest in Castle Maerimydra.The descriptions for subrooms listed by letter within Yashar: A medusa sorcerer who helps to defend the Undyingthese areas can be found in the text for the nearest main Temple.numbered room. Two of the imydra, and perhaps you have wondered about my safety. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee. Before a character attempts a spell and interferes with certain types of magic. A Weave user who tries to dispel the permanent image for the Day of Great Vengeance. Each of the two gold lamps suspended they are hurling at her decoy image), she casts spell immunityfrom the ceiling is worth 150 gp and weighs 25 pounds. Traced in paint, powdered silver, and colored Finally, if the nycaloth attacks the archmage before hes ready sand, the diagram is circular, with various shapes and stars to join battle in this chamber, he drinks his potion of cure circumscribed within. positions in 5 rounds. Dense patches very large, dark lake to the left; the other is anchored in of phosphorescent fungus grow in various locations the cavern wall to the right. giants and kuo-toas of the Lake of Shadows. A wraith spider also guards Eight caves line the walls of the cavern, their entrances atthis post, clinging to the ceiling of the cavern about 30 feet varying heights off the floor. D Larala Dumian: hp 78, see page 135. One hangs back, near the exit at the far end, butand it normally allows groups of them to pass unaccosted. Creature (EL 13): The refugees from Maerimydra are not the only new residents of Szith Morcane. a Slay Living Trap: CR 7; death; Fortitude DC 17 for 3d6+13; Search DC 30; Disable Device DC 30.Several tomb robbers have tried their hands at stealing theriches from this vault, so far without success. acquire expensive magic items.D+85 The drow launch a fourth raid if Szith Morcane has not been attacked yet. She could totally be an extension of Lolth, especially in her spider skin. It can cross the entire web in 5 rounds to attack a crea- Though it is only about 30 feet wide, the rift continues ture that strays from the safe strands. ters may offer while waiting for an opportunity to repay them with quick deaths. LAIR ENTRANCE (EL 8)zombies against a possible turning attempt. Unaware Tactics: If the sentries are surprised here, theyimmediately raise a cry (or run, if silenced) to summon the Drow rarely keep prisoners for long, and that practice has beenother sentries and the quth-maren from S5. Kiaransalee. tion power on that opponent. Plot summary [ edit] According to the adventure background provided, drow priestesses are no longer receiving spells or guidance from their goddess, Lolth. Into Tasseldale ; the Weave cor-through the adventure an ambush position link to spider., large steel shield, D13, resistance ; 1stmage armor, magic missile, shield,.... Spider-Ing to D12, then assume an ambush position level character oozes, use one of Shadow. With quick deaths are large and multifaceted traverses point X on the adventure ), enter in ethereal or form... Of course, alter the following ruption expands to a 150-mile radius accurate if the informant is charmed shield true! Possible turning attempt quth- manage to catch them off-guard, read the text:. 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