can cats sense heart problems

Many cats with rhythm disturbances show relatively few signs of disease. Both dogs and cats have been known to save numerous lives by recognizing and distinguishing the scent of human disease through chemical changes. Your vet may notice that your cat's heart sounds abnormal when listening with a stethoscope. Whatever the case may be, theres no doubt that cats can provide much-needed companionship and support when were going through a tough time. So, if you suddenly become withdrawn and irritable due to mental illness, your feline will notice this in your interactions with it. The presence of a heart murmur does not necessarily mean that your cat's quality of life or life expectancy will be affected. Pete is well known as a media veterinarian with regular national tv, radio and newspaper slots, including a weekly column in the Daily Telegraph since 2007. Most frequently, it is "saddle thrombus," by which a blood clot lodges at the end of the aorta and cuts off proper blood supply to the hind legs.Symptoms are pain and the inability to walk normally on the hind legs. However, just because your cat is extra clingy and affectionate toward you, that doesnt mean youre about to die. This will be based on an individual's physical and psychological symptoms. Part of why cats rub against each other as a greeting is to determine each others health. As heart disease advances, pet parents may start to notice some signs and symptoms. Heart disease is a serious medical condition in dogs, cats, and humans. Cats can also detect shifts in attitude, behavior, and pattern . As well as making the diagnosis, your vet will also note details about many aspects of your cats heart, including the heartbeat, heart rhythm, heart rate and regularity, and the presence of any heart murmur (a hissing sound, indicating turbulence of blood flow in the heart or leaky heart valves). the heart muscle which pumps the blood around the body, the heart valves which act to prevent the blood going in the wrong direction, the pericardium which is a tough membrane surrounding and protecting the heart, the electrical conducting system which acts to initiate and transfer electrical impulses around the heart allowing it to contract or beat in a systematic and coordinated fashion, sudden hind leg paralysis accompanied by pain due to thromboembolism (blood clots) which may be referred to as a saddle thrombus. The exact cause of most types of adult onset heart disease is unknown, although genetics and lifestyle (weight, physical activity, and diet) may play an important role. A very low dose of aspirin or a medication calledclopidogrel (brand name Plavix in the US) may be used if blood clotting is a problem. Different types of heart conditions can affect many breeds of cats, but some like Maine Coons, American and British Shorthairs, Persian cats, Ragdoll, Sphynx, Burmese, and Siamese cats are more susceptible to certain problems including cardiomyopathy. Some cats with severe symptoms may require supplemental oxygen during testing. And its a disease that affects not just humans, but our furry feline friends as well. Furthermore, cats can understand body cues and facial expressions. The finding was the main result of a 10 year study of more than 4,000 Americans by researchers at the University of Minnesotas Stroke Institute in Minneapolis. Any investigation of any problem in a cat starts with a careful, thorough physical exam of your pet. Some may reflect another disease process such as anemia. Most cardiac disorders diagnosed in cats are called cardiomyopathies. One way is by the change in scent that diabetics emit. The researchers said dogs probably had a similar effect, but there werent enough dog owners in the study to show this conclusively. Also Read:Heavy Breathing Cat The 3 Types Of Heavy Breathing And What They Mean. We work to make the world a better place for cats, and we're getting better for you. If your veterinarian tells you that your cat has heart disease, discuss the diagnosis in detail with your veterinarian so that the condition can be fully investigated, and a detailed treatment plan put in place. While we dont yet have a cure for cancer, early detection is key to treatment and survival. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. This typically doesn't happen in cats. A cat's superior senses of smell, hearing, touch, and sight mean that they react quickly to events. Adult onset heart disease can occur as the result of damage to the heart structure at some time during the cat's life, resulting in abnormal function. Do you ever get the feeling that your cat knows when youre not feeling well? This condition can lead to blood clots, congestive heart failure, and even sudden death. The heart is divided into four chambers: The left atrium and right atrium are the upper chambers; the right ventricle and left ventricle are the lower chambers. Cats of any age or breed can suffer from CHF, but it is most common in middle-aged and senior cats . Another way is by the changes in behavior that diabetics often exhibit. Unfortunately, the opportunity to have this low cost stress relief is denied to many potential heart patients who live in apartment blocks and nursing homes where pets are not allowed. Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM; Ernest Ward, DVM, Contributors: Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM; Ernest Ward, DVM. You will notice this in your cats behavior. Also Read:Cat Bloodwork (Different Types of Tests, Health Conditions And Costs). In conclusion, there is no definitive answer to whether or not cats know when you are dying. He also write a regular blog at It may be necessary to adjust the calorie content of the cat's diet in order to do this. Suggested Articles Congenital Heart Disorders Cardiomyopathy Diagnosis: Heart Disease Patent Ductus Arteriosus Hypertension Hyperthyroidism in Cats Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most commonly diagnosed cardiac disease in cats. Anecdotal evidence shows cats save lives by picking up on illnesses their human owners were oblivious to. So, its possible they can hear changes in our breathing or voice when were sick. This educational content is not veterinary advice and does not replace consultation with a qualified veterinarian. Cornell Feline Health Center. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Cardiomyopathy has several forms: The term "congestive heart failure" broadly refers to heart disease that is so severe that the heart is unable to pump blood forward through the body, causing fluid to back up and accumulate in the lungs or abdomen. Congenital heart defects are uncommon in cats. The most common heart disease that adult cats develop is cardiomyopathy, usually of the hypertrophic form (see handout "Cardiomyopathy in Cats). Veterinary experts however, put across another plausible argument for why cats might bring more stress relief than dogs. She has more than five years of experience in lifestyle editing and media and has been published in a variety of prestigious outlets. There are many stories of cats behaving in strange ways around people who later turned out to have heart problems. Required fields are marked *. If your cat suddenly becomes restless at night where it wasnt before, be on the look-out for other signs of heart disease. Heart disease prevents the heart from functioning normally, so any type of physical activity may cause your cat's energy levels to significantly decrease. This occurs in about 10 percent of cardiomyopathy . Theres a lot of debate on whether or not cats can sense when something is wrong, but I think theres a strong argument to be made that they can. Some develop due to genetic predisposition while others may be connected to other health issues like obesity, hypertension, kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism. Aging is a natural process. They may also start to hide more and become less active. Geriatric cats can also get cardiomyopathy when scar tissue builds up over time inside the heart. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cats may begin to cough, become lethargic, not eat as well, and even become out of breath or pant during normal activities such as walking or playing. If youre struggling with depression, this will be reflected in how you interact with your cat. Although signs of congenital disease are often seen at a young age, in some cases congenital heart disease can go undetected for many years. They may also start to sleep more, or in different places than usual. The ductus arteriosus shunts blood away from the lungs during prenatal life, and normally closes at birth. Also Read:Heart Attacks In Cats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment. February 14, 2019 - Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and the heart (in a poetic sense) and happens to fall during National Heart Month (very intentional) when healthy heart campaigns for people are in full swing. When any kind of heart disease is present, it affects the heart's ability to properly circulate blood. Owning a cat could reduce your risk of a heart attack by nearly one third, researchers told delegates of the American Stroke Associations International Stroke Conference in New Orleans last week. Additionally, cats are very intuitive. The femoral pulse may be weak or absent in one or both hind legs. The final stages of heart failure will result in difficulty breathing and coughing. Your veterinarian might hear a murmur when listening to your cat's heart through a stethoscope, which can be further diagnosed after observing any of the following additional symptoms: A heart murmur does not always indicate the presence of heart disease in cats (and not all cats with heart disease have murmurs). . For example, cats are very sensitive to bitterness and can taste things that are far too bitter for humans. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is rarer, and is most commonly caused by a nutritional deficiency, specifically an amino acid called taurine. At the end of the day, though, we dont really know for sure whether or not cats can sense brain tumors. But can they tell when were sick? Your email address will not be published. However, there are some anecdotal reports from cat owners who claim that their pets did indeed seem to know when something was wrong, even before diagnosis. Heart Failure, Congestive (Left-sided) in Cats, Heart Failure, Congestive (Right-sided) in Cats. Already have a myVCA account? It is important to remember that the cause of the heart disease must be identified accurately, as innocent heart murmurs need no treatment whatsoever. One study found that cats preferred to spend more time with people who had a cold and seemed to avoid people with a more serious illness. However, if your cat appears less playful or tires more easily due to weakness rather than laziness, you may have a problem. It turns out that cats can sense when were not feeling well, and they often show signs of concern. High blood pressure (hypertension) is common in older cats and is often part of the complications of heart disease, so it can be important to monitor this. As heart disease advances, pet parents may start to notice some signs and symptoms. They may not be able to tell that you have a cold or the flu, but they can certainly sense when youre not feeling well. Cats can also get cardiomyopathy from a nutritional deficiency in the amino acid taurine. This is not ideal for your cats well-being since it may experience appetite loss and a weakened immune system. According to the Annals of Internal Medicine, its been revealed that cancer might have a smell that cats can detect. Others would disagree, saying that such findings are not proof of a causal link, only that a link between cat ownership and lower heart attack risk exists. Likewise, alterations in body temperature when experiencing a heart attack will be easily detected by a cat. Its not entirely clear whether cats can detect cancer with their nose. It is essential that the instructions for your cat's heart medication are followed closely. Well, we don't know that, either. If your cat is experiencing any symptoms of heart disease or failure, take them to a veterinarian immediately. Can shingles raise the risk of heart attack? No matter what your cat does to help you feel better, its sure to be appreciated. A contorted facial expression or grimace would signal a cat that the individual is experiencing pain. At this time, few congenital heart abnormalities in the cat other than patent ductus arteriosus (see below) can be surgically corrected. For example, a cat might start sleeping on a persons chest or following them around more than usual. Valvular heart diseases can make blood flow in the wrong direction. If youre like most people, when youre feeling under the weather, all you want to do is curl up in bed with a warm cup of tea and watch Netflix. Cats can provide a gentle and calming presence to people struggling with anything from loneliness or stress to depression, chronic anxiety or PTSD. Combine that with "amazing memories" and a sharp sense of smell and hearing, and there's every reason to expect a dog or cat to wander. If you suspect that you may be predisposed to diabetes, you should pay attention to your cats behavior. An irregular heartbeat should always be further diagnosed by your veterinarian. The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates there are about 72 million pet dogs and 82 million pet cats in the US. In addition to heart enlargement, ventricular wall stiffness leads to poor filling of the heart and reduced functionality. They may become more clingy or affectionate than usual, or they may start to avoid us altogether. In addition, cats can also hear our heartbeat, which can give them an indication of our overall health. If youre feeling withdrawn and lethargic due to illness, your cat might start behaving similarly. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a recording of the electrical activity in your cats heart. A cats sense of taste is very different from a humans. Theres no definitive answer to this question, as theres no scientific evidence to support or refute the claim that cats can detect mental illness in humans. In some cases, the cat will require drugs to restore a normal heart rate and rhythm. Explained By A Vet. The important fact to remember is that the cause of the heart disease must be identified accurately. They can pick up on the energy of a person and often know if that person is to be trusted. While we dont know for sure if this is true, there are some theories out there that suggest cats can tell when youre not feeling well. For some time, observational studies have suggested that some diseases result in specific odors [2 . A cats sense of touch can tell them quite a lot about your health. While coughing is a major symptom of heart disease in dogs, it does not often occur in cats. If left untreated, heart disease can cause other serious symptoms in the body and potentially be fatal. In some cases, the cat will start to obsessively sniff or lick a particular spot on their humans body. Because some forms of heart disease are hereditary, a cat with heart disease should not be bred. Acquired heart disease. Cats can experience one or more types of heart disease at the same time. Cats of any age or breed can suffer from CHF, but it is most common in middle-aged and senior cats. If left undetected, this can develop into heart failure. Cats can sense how people are feeling, so your cat actually can tell when you're sad. Using this formula, a ten-year-old cat is similar age wise to a 53-year-old person, a 12-year-old cat to a 61-year-old person, and a 15-year-old cat to a person of 73. In such cases, the problem is identified at an earlier stage, before the heart disease has become advanced enough for the cat to show signs of illness. There are a few things that cats do when they smell cancer. Cancer is a scary word. Many cats with rhythm disturbances show relatively few signs of disease. Modern medications are usually effective with proper patient monitoring. Owning a cat could reduce your risk of a heart attack by nearly one third, researchers told delegates of the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference in New Orleans last. Moreover, cats can interpret body language and facial expressions. Lastly, cats may start to groom themselves more when they sense illness. Not all heart murmurs are associated with heart disease. And thats where our feline friends come in. As morbid as it may sound, cats do this because they understand what comes next. Cats with heart disease may simply be monitored or administered basic treatments, while cats with CHF need more aggressive treatment. A prescription diet may be recommended so that your cat is eating what is best for this condition. While heart disease is considered more common in humans and pets like dogs, cats are still susceptible to developing these health concerns. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common type of feline heart disease, accounting for around 60% of cases. Reviewed & Fact-Checked. Both of these things may explain why dogs, cats, and other pets can detect illness before you or your physician can. 2. An animal's intuition partially comes from its keen sense of smell and sensitivity to minute changes in its environment. When a cat is more attentive, it could mean that they sense something is wrong. Coughing, lethargy, rapid respiratory rate, difficulty breathing, and exercise intolerance can all be common signs of heart failure. Heart Attacks In Cats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment, Cat Bloodwork (Different Types of Tests, Health Conditions And Costs), Heavy Breathing Cat The 3 Types Of Heavy Breathing And What They Mean, Cat Back Legs Collapsing: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment, View all posts by Dr. Pete Wedderburn, DVM, Xylitol Poisoning In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment, Stomatitis In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment, Ataxia In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment, Eyelid Agenesis In Cats: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment, 7 Signs Your Cat Is Not Getting Enough Love, How To Stop Cats From Scratching Furniture. Testing For Abdominal Enlargement In Cats. Will my cat have any dietary restrictions? This is due to cats sense of smell. This can also lead to weight loss, which can happen quickly depending on the severity of the condition. So, can cats sense heart problems? Be aware of other signs as well and seek veterinary assistance. Persian Cats (domestic long hair). Lower Risk of Heart Disease. Other signs caused by complications of heart disease include: Blood clots, including a particular problem called thromboembolism, when a blood clot forms in the left atrium (one of the small chambers of the heart) and a fragment lodges in a major blood vessel (typically the aorta, lower down in the body, close to blood supply to the hind legs). Cats don't have extrasensory perception ( ESP). Cats arent considered to be as attuned to human emotions as dogs. Heart disease of the muscles can prevent the muscles of the heart from contracting as needed. wash your hands or wear gloves for litter box . Theyre constantly sniffing us and our belongings, and theyre very good at picking up on subtle changes. He said he was surprised by this latest study. There are certain heart conditions that may need surgical repair, although these conditions occur infrequently. So next time youre feeling under the weather, dont be surprised if your cat comes to check on you. Qureshi and colleagues extracted data on 4,435 Americans aged 30 to 75, from the second National Health and Nutrition Examination Study that took place from 1976 to 1980. She told US News & World Report: I would be inclined to think that any animal that is perceived as meaningful to a person in a positive way would have health benefits.. Thats particularly relevant with human owners. Cats may begin to cough, become lethargic, not eat as well, and even become out of breath or pant during normal activities such as walking or playing. Your vet may detect a heart murmur or other sign that indicated early disease. If you think your cat may be detecting diabetes, it is important to take them to the vet for a check-up. Nevertheless, cats excessive empathy towards their ailing owners often causes them to mimic their behavior and mood. These bitter chemicals can be detected by a cats sensitive sense of taste, even in very small quantities. "YES" cats can sense if their owners are not feeling good. They may not be able to tell you whats wrong, but theyll definitely let you know that something is up. Patients with hypertension are often erratic and irritable. Yes. These are all changes that can be easily detected by a cat. Type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline: Is Tai chi more effective than walking? This occurs due to turbulence in the blood flowing through the heart. Someone who was not surprised by the findings was Kathie Cole who presented the results of a study to the American Heart Association in 2005 that showed contact with dogs helped improve heart and lung function in people with heart failure. Previous research has linked contact with pets to heart benefits, they said. When someone is ill, the smell of that person (or cat) changes due to hormonal fluctuations. Medications are most widely used to control quality of life and add quantity as well. For drugs given more than once daily, doses should be spread out over the day as evenly as possible. Some commonly used medications for cats include the ACE inhibitors enalapril or benazepril, the beta blocker atenolol, and diuretics such as furosemide or spironolactone. Siamese Cats. The cat's conical-shaped ears and their periphery position at the head contribute to their impeccable auditory sense and ability to pinpoint sources of specific sounds. Medication does not fix a diseased heart but tries to help support the heart and body. Heart failure is a progressive condition in which the heart muscle is too weak to meet the bodys demands. Dr. Robert Myerburg, director of the division of cardiology at the University of Miami, said it makes more sense that dogs would provide more heart benefit to pet owners than cats. They may not understand exactly whats wrong, but they can tell that something is wrong by your body language and vocalizations. There are a few ways that cats can detect diabetes. When you get home from work the dog demands attention, you have to take it for a walk, dogs need to be fed according to a routine, whereas cats can practically take care of themselves. Cats are extremely intuitive creatures and can pick up on subtle changes in our behaviour or appearance that we may not even be aware of. The educational cat health content on is written by or reviewed by our team of veterinary experts to ensure that its in line with the latest evidence-based veterinary information and health guidelines. The most common signs of heart disease in cats are: The two most common types of congenital heart disease are malformations of a valve or a septal defect in the wall that divides the right and left sides of the heart (a hole in the heart). Congenital heart disease may also involve a genetic or hereditary disorder, in which case the problem may develop in more than one kitten in the litter. Of course, you may wonder if this is true. Executive director of the Institute, Dr Adnan Qureshi, who is also senior author of the study, was reported by US News & World Report to have said: For years we have known that psychological stress and anxiety are related to cardiovascular events, particularly heart attacks.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'm Richard, the lead writer for Senior Cat Wellness. Once heart disease has been identified, your veterinarian will normally recommend further diagnostic testing to find out the underlying cause of your cats abnormal heart. Unlike humans and dogs with heart disease, cats rarely cough if they have heart disease. How Do You Keep A Cat Out Of A Certain Room. But did you know heart disease affects our pets as well, including cats? Qureshi, who own a cat called Ninja, said they had expected to see an effect, because the theory was plausible, but the size of the link was a surprise. Enlarged Heart (Dilated Cardiomyopathy) in Cats, Heart Disease Caused by Scarring of the Heart Muscles in Cats. Cats have extremely sensitive olfactory receptors which allow them to deduce that a person is ill by recognizing their hormonal changes, and possibly their instinct can pick up on that person's change of daily habits. Cats have an acute sense of smell. The chances are that your cat may be picking up on early warning signs of diabetes. How can cats tell when you're sad? A blood clot, also called a thromboembolism, may be caused by many different health issues, including heart disease in cats. Heart failure usually starts as a progression of heart disease, with few symptoms to even suggest your cat is sick. They imprint on their owners quite easily and can attune to their owners mood changes and feelings. Cats can sense high blood pressure, cancer, heart attacks, and diabetes symptoms. This depends on the type of heart disease: some cats can live normal lifespans, while others may only live for weeks or months. Similarly, high blood pressure often causes an increase in ones heart rate. Because there are so many types of heart disease, your cat's prognosis will depend upon the specific condition that is diagnosed. In general, the term heart disease is used in earlier stages, while heart failure is used in advanced stages. If your cat has any signs of heart disease, it's important to get to the vet as soon as possible. A recent study showed that 33% of Maine Coon cats had a genetic abnormality related to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Cats do not normally develop the common diseases of humans with heart disease. So, if youre ever feeling down, make sure to give your cat a little extra love and attention. Remember is that the instructions for your cats behavior result in difficulty breathing and they... 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