voddie baucham cultural marxism

5 0 obj My aim here is not to merely fight battles of terminology in order to avoid acknowledging real issues like these. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFHfa0s1XLMBy What Standard? And its an agenda that needs to be recognized and an agenda that needs to be confronted. Christianity was on the continent of Africa before it was in North America, right? Glad you find it helpful too. Dont make me choose between those two. Legislation, U.S. Culture, America, American History, Slavery, Church, Christian Church, Fatherless, Ghetto, LAPD Rampart Division, Murder, Homicide, Activists, Islam, Protests, Civil Rights Movement, U.S. Criminal Justice System, Juvenile Detention Centers, Victims Advocate, Group Homes, Influence, Skin Color, Black Power, Black Nationalism, Boys Home, San Antonio, Texas, Social Justice Warrior, Social Justice Theory, Social Justice, White Privilege, Intersectionality, U.S. Presidents, Jeremiah Wright, Philosophy, Homosexuality, Homosexual Agenda, Infanticide, Abortion, Hate Crimes, Hate Crimes Legislation, Race Relations, U.S. Race Relations, CNN, Economics, Karl Marx, Capitalism, Communism, Athe, Athei, Atheist, Antonio Francesco Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Germany, Italy, Hegemony, Columbia University, Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, Network | Churches | Education | Homes | Work | Finances | Notes | Media | Property | Fund, Church: Cultural Marxism by Voddie Baucham, Church: Ethnic Gnosticism by Voddie Baucham, Church: Evangelistic Protest in America 2020 "Lord Give Me You, Everything Else Can Wait, We only Want You", Life: Does God Love Transgender People? I believe that there are some people within these circles, there are some people within these movements who absolutely hold to this ideology that were going to talk about here tonight. FREEDOM - ReformedWiki. And then the Frankfurt School has the idea called Critical Theory. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); WALLBUILDERS LIVE! Listen: Justice exists because God is just and righteous. These are real issues. EEQ\*z\*+y?) There are far too many educational opportunities, too many educational resources in this country, for so many people to have so poor an education. But some of them actually sent us prayer lists. n(xZ[` 7iVY@G@1Z$ ,Ea/)D#A8~imY8UI6-'2x~,"5YiQUx4"@YJMAbyWy{"#1bgC@I3Ck9 Om>A]i2wPPOb#qx; I M8*Xtl*J|~-g_gu!v_ And its important on both sides. Is that part of what made us ripe for this right now? Therefore, all other groups can claim to be oppressed by them because the men are the trendsetters, the shot-callers, the status quo. Cisgendered just means that youre not special. Until we can identify and define cultural Marxism, we are unable to recognized and confront it. LEARN MORE And what that has the potential to do is to move us away from addressing individuals and their sin and their pain and their brokenness. But what that looked like is we divided the year up into three parts. Are we aware of this? It is usually achieved through social institutions, which allow those in power to strongly influence the values, norms, ideas, expectations, worldview, and behavior of the rest of society. He is causing a stir, because he is coming out against the narrative of social justice comparing it to cultural Marxism. Amen, somebody. stream And, again, Ill say more about that as the weekend goes on, but for now, just know that thats why these things matter. Your email address will not be published. What does it mean to think critically and biblically about government roles? So, a black, female, transgender, Islamic, Palestinian is being oppressed in all of these five areas. But even living in the UK was so different from the US and it just really made me appreciate America. ReformedWiki exists to defend, teach, and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Its amazing and quite disappointing to me how little people tend to know about our system of government and how little they tend to know about how it works and about what it costs and what it requires. And then now for the last five years, weve been living in Zambia and it has really made me appreciate America from a historical perspective and from a practical perspective, just what we have and what were called to steward and how precious and how precarious it is. The first time, I went to school in Oxford, and I didnt think that living in the United Kingdom would be so much different, that living in England would be so much different than living in the United States. So that you know what you ought to do. - YouTube 0:00 / 1:05:44 Cultural Marxism Voddie Baucham. Required fields are marked *. Many thanks! Racism in the heart of an individual. Justice exists because God is just and righteous. We know about the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat; we know from each according to his ability, to each according to his need. We know about the uprising of the masses to overthrow capitalism. That cant be. We cant live like this. Ive never appreciated America more. If Im your brother and there is something between us that causes you to be afraid, apprehensive, unwilling to speak truth into my life, then Ive got to go the extra mile to free you up to do that. Members of my family who are part of the nation of Islam. Have you heard the idea of Critical Race Theory? advocated socialistic values and socialist revolution, LAPD Rampart Division - 1960s Police Division of the Los Angeles Police Department, Tagged: Voddie Bacham, Founders Ministries, Racism, Marxism, Sermons, Sermon Videos, Barack H. Obama, Gangs, Los Angeles, California, Cultural Marxism, Hatred, Hate, Police Officers, Police, Politics, Immigration, U.S. Laws, U.S. Voddie Baucham was born in Los Angeles fifty-some years ago and was raised by a single, deeply dedicated, mother (14). Right? The Rampart Division was the baddest gang in L.A.; they made sure we knew that. Now that place where your not whiteness and your not maleness intersects is where you feel the weight of your oppression. As his newsletter below indicates, he is facing a serious medical trial. LISTEN:Youtube |iTunes| Soundcloud| Google Play | Stitcher| Spotify. As you can see, were doing kind of practical application. The second idea was the idea of class consciousness that each one of these societal epochs contained internal contradictions and these internal contradictions are what would lead to struggle and would eventually lead to the next phase, which led to the third idea his idea of historical determinism. He saw capitalism as oppressing the masses. And so today and tomorrow, were going to share that with you. 1 Chronicles chapter 12 beginning in verse 23, These are the numbers of the divisions of the armed troops who came to David in Hebron to turn the kingdom of Saul over to him, according to the word of the Lord. So David, the man after Gods own heart, is about to inherit the kingdom; hes about to become king and there are men who came with him because if youre going to be king, if youre going to govern Gods people, if youre going to lead Gods people, there are some things that you need. Voddie Baucham is one of the most outspoken proponents of "Christian Patriarchy," an extreme movement within conservative Christian homeschooling that advocates for male supremacy and men ruling over their wives and children, especially female children. And number two, its not whiteness that has caused prosperity and freedom around the world. Voddie, I love you, brother. Number one, he believed that history had really three stages or epochs: 1) The Ancient Stage, 2) The Futile Stage, and 3) The Capitalist Stage. And so again, its still that idea of a revolt and a revolution, but its not a bloody revolution. Godly, Courageous Leadership: The Need of the Hour, Blest Be the Ties That Bind:The Duty of Church Membership. Holly and I went out of tow." But what I really want to do is I really want to give us time to interact as much as we can, especially on this format. Published on April 5, 2021 by Books At A Glance . And so dont think that I come here this weekend suddenly talking about Cultural Marxism because its a trump card that can be used in this particular debate. {57:11} So what do you do with this? And its going to require boldness, both in terms of trusting our brothers and sisters in Christ and in terms of willingness to speak to issues that in this day and age will get you outright castigated. But both sides recognize that thats a way to shut the other down because right now these are not issues that are being debated. And so thats my decision here; my decision here is to give that. A Blueprint for Multigenerational Faithfulness Voddie Baucham Jr. April 26, 2020 God has not left us to wander aimlessly in the wilderness as we raise our children. He has spoken at Patriot Academy multiple times and just knocked it out of the park every time. Author and former pastor Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr. does, and his new book, "Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism's Looming Catastrophe," breaks down how critical race theory is an assault on Christianity and Western culture itself. Transcription note: As a courtesy for our listeners enjoyment, we are providing a transcription of this podcast. Let me give you just a few that I wrote about then and was worried about then because of the philosophy of Cultural Marxism and because of this mans long history with Cultural Marxism, not only from his university days but even his church. =40+=Q6"p3`lgeq,KZl.|p>GZitfDI AP9uF@H Im going to try to do this quickly. Shortly after that, the Gulf War happens. The same way, if youre a longtime listener, WallBuilders Live, you know, we have a legislators conference where we have a lot of great speakers come in and we try to share as many of those sessions with you as we can. He says there is no such thing as social justice, there is only Biblical justice. It was just not at all uncommon to see those three pictures everywhere you went. Listen to this, Gramsci developed the concept of cultural hegemony in an effort to explain why the worker led revolution that Marx predicted in the previous century had not come to pass. These individuals who were known for developing critical theory and popularizing the dialectic method of learning by interrogating societys contradictions and its most closely associated with the work of a number of German philosophers during the early twentieth century. You see, so I try and get them to sort of see and understand that it is the gospel, it is the penetration of the gospel and these ideals that come from the Gospel that bear that fruit. And what I tell people is, our school, just think early Harvard meets Tuskegee Institute and thats who we are as an institution. Its interesting, because there are a lot of Africans believe that America and the West is what it is because white people are superior. Cultural Marxism is an agenda, not just an idea. Featured guests will include Congressmen, Senators, and other elected officials, as well as experts, activists, authors, and commentators on a variety of issues facing America. i0b; CBq[7`zt=E\`{Q0+j-) XtC&\Xo4yeA(T=i`og9ihX Because weve got people who for years have been talking about how unified we are in Christ, who now are suddenly dismissing one another because of where they fall on a particular social issue. That revolution never came. Sex has to do with your biology; gender, [with your] social construct. We have serious problems in immigration that demand not only political solutions, but also present an opportunity for those of us who love the gospel and want the gospel to be preach to every nation. And if your gender doesnt match your sex then you are transgender as opposed to cisgendered, for those of you who were wondering that word cisgendered. But what I want to do is sort of put this into context to help you understand why its important, why this matters. Guest: Voddie Baucham. The cultural hegemony for example in our society is white, male, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied, native-born, Americans. Transcription will be released shortly. Number one, that Christianity is not Western or white. Sticking our head in the sand is not an option, and not only is it not an option because we find ourselves at this crossroad within Evangelicalism, thats important. {32:40} Well theres another group of individuals the Frankfurt School. And so, one of the things that we did in our church in Houston was we prayed. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints. Thanks so much for joining us. And for them part of it was the fact that people were receiving so much information through mass media. Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. I mean if capitalism is exploitation of the masses, and if history is all about these conflicts and if this conflict is going to come and if the next thing that is going to come is a post-capitalist society, then why havent we seen this? %%+ -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dSubsetFonts=true -dCompressFonts=true -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -f ? And everybody whos not that is a minority. And then you can also just go to wallbuilders.com, scroll down to the bottom and well be posting the videos as they come out. Im not an advocate of those things. I was raised in south central Los Angeles, now just south L.A. {9:19} So what am I saying? And a lot of people sort of forget this, right, that these big riots and everything in the late 1960s were being fueled by the ideologies of the Frankfurt School, okay, and of classical Marxist. I mean this is not a text on Cultural Marxism, but i believe its a text that really explains the importance of us addressing this issue tonight. And so towards the end of his life, and then during the life of his followers, they tried to explain and understand why it is that capitalism didnt fall. So again, this is where Im coming from on these issues. And then number three, this particular institution is a very unique one. So with that in mid, lets look at it. Thanks for staying with us. Below is my summary of Cultural Marxism in todays society: Hi thanks for providing this transcription. Tune in to hear part 2 of this important session with Voddie Baucham. And a quarter to a third of the people responded to us. But some of them kind of really put the thinking caps on and tried to figure out, okay, why didnt this happen and how can we move this idea forward? hA'&{X:1Rbt%T=[ojz>Yq_=.Sh.=76(+;~jl6g_ix p &6*m ^>F%x_5:TMFc'||;Y,t2_g|S#NaO>,MiLgb[e'ty\31#^v" {xuE0Nu2RHHp;nE We apologize in advance. The other thing is Im here at African Christian university in Zambia and it is a classical Christian liberal arts biblical worldview University. First, Cultural Marxism and Classical Marxism are two different things, and this is one of the things that makes the discussion difficult. And then they created disciplines. As a courtesy for our listeners enjoyment, we are providing a transcription of this podcast. {51:56} Do you know what that means? I would never tell black people to shut up. For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. Pastor Voddie Baucham is a phenomenal leader and I have been wanting to have him on the program for months and months. In American society, white, male, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied, native-born people are the established group in power. Gather the family around, watch the One-Room Schoolhouse and learn some great history. Phone. I have been praying that we could get Voddie Baucham here at patriot Academy for such a time as this. No. And especially when we got down to like, the city comptroller or something like that and he was like, nobody prays for the city, nobody does this. So one of the main goals of the Frankfurt School was to leverage these tools in order to bring about change in the hegemonic powers. Classical Marxism, Karl Marx, was an economist. Its a disruptive, transformative agenda. We pray for one another. And on the other hand, the other person who genuinely doesnt believe that an injustice has occurred is trying to point out why an injustice hasnt necessarily occurred here and have a find pointed at them and are called a racist and say wait a minute really? How long have we known each other? You know thats not who I am. And so, this is sort of been my journey and all that. He was kind enough to answer a few questions about the state of the SBC, why he joined the CBN, and upcoming projects. -sOutputFile=? This is an interview that I had with him during Patriot Academy just last week. But a cultural hegemony that has established structural racism that disproportionately targets black males. Hatred is real, and its sinful. Podcast description: Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. It is a great new series WallBuilders is putting out where you literally get a tour of the WallBuilders library as Tim Barton and Jonathan Ritchie bring history to life. Marx died in 1888 by the way, so now we get into the late 1800s, the early 1900s; we get into WWI. -P- -dSAFER -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dDetectDuplicateImages=true Thats part of whats made us right for this, is more sinister than that. And the fruit that were seeing is absolutely incredible. Its sinful. And so, its amazing to help people understand those two things. The men of Judah, bearing shield and spear, were 6,800 armed troops of the Simeonites, mighty men of valor for war; 7,100 of the Levites; 4,600 prince Jehoiada of the house of Aaron and with him 3,700; Zadok, a young man mighty in valor, and 22 commanders from his own fathers house; Of the Benjaminites (the kinsmen of Saul), 3,000 , of whom the majority to that point kept their allegiance to the house of Saul; Of the Ephraimites, 20,800 mighty men of valor, famous men in their fathers house; Of the half tribe of Manasseh, 18,000 who were expressly named to come and make David king; Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; 200 chiefs and all their kinsmen under their command. So people werent necessarily associating and interacting with each other like they had been in the past, but were receiving information through things like newspapers and radios and so on and so forth. An article that I wrote and actually reprinted two years later because Im not big on I told you sos but, I told you so! Ive got magic melanin. Its an ideological revolution. I started writing about Cultural Marxism in the early 2000s, somewhere around 2005/6/7. There are two first cousins of mine whove been gunned down in the street. Guess what? Why do ideas like intersectionality from Kimberly Crenshaw 1989, gain such popularity that people use it like we know what is? Three main ideas. You ever wondered why? So the revolution that comes doesnt need to be an armed revolution or a revolution of force, it needs to be a hegemonic revolution. My goal is to lay out a sketch of Cultural Marxism. He has given us a blueprint for multigenerational faithfulness. And so, part of what Im having to do here is sort of deprogram that and go, wait a minute, guys, lets look at a world map and lets talk about the freest societies in the world and the least corrupt societies in the world and lets also overlay that with the societies where the gospel has penetrated the deepest. It has to be addressed. But politicians were the sort of mythological figures. Theres a couple of resources on this. On-air Personalities: David Barton, Rick Green, and Tim Barton. Buddhist mother. Justice exists because God is just and righteous. I also want you to understand why certain ideas are being embraced today and why some of these ideas today are actually antithetical to the gospel that we love and preach and why these issues that we face are important enough to discuss and find a way forward because we do need to find a way forward. We think you will find the answers informative as the Southern Baptist Convention prepares for another heated Annual Meeting. However, as this is transcribed from a live talk show, words and sentence structure were not altered to fit grammatical, written norms in order to preserve the integrity of the actual dialogue between the speakers. And its hard for him, knowing that I have the ability and opportunity to do that, to speak certain things into my life, for fear that I might. Thats a huge, Voddie,I mean, I knew you were over there for a reason. Let me explain. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints. And you may have had some of these conversations where youre sitting there and youre going, Ok, listen You tell me the story of the police officer who acted inappropriately and we can go together to be against that person. Additionally, names may be misspelled or we might use an asterisk to indicate a missing word because of the difficulty in understanding the speaker at times. And I think its sad that there are people who are actually arguing that those of us who have been part of the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel have somehow made a statement that we dont believe that racism is real of that racism is a sin. ,I*K+fwXfk}?8yWJqm It is a disruptive ideology with a detailed agenda for transforming America. Its amazing. Its name calling and things get short circuited because of the name calling, and often neither side is being completely honest and we know it. Although how do you handle that? That means that whatever pathologies there are that need to be addressed dont get addressed, because its the systems fault. Shame! Voddie Baucham revealed that he is still part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in an interview with the Capstone Report on his appointment to the steering council of the Conservative Baptist Network (CBN). So this was sort of his dialectic if you will thesis, antithesis, synthesis. And it was right there and it was huge and it was heavy. | https://founders.org/give/Fear God T-shirt: https://press.founders.org/shop/fear-god-t-shirt/The Sword \u0026 The Trowel: https://founders.org/the-sword-the-trowel/Follow Founders Ministries: Website: https://founders.orgFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoundersMin/Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoundersMinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/foundersministries/ Sproul and Others On Racism, Social Justice, Black Lives Matter, Cultural Marxism, Marxism, Godless Politics, Godless Ideologies, Godless Media, Godless Universities (Seminaries and Other Schools), Etc. Leverage those positions in order to educate and mobilize the masses against the hegemonic power. And Im kind of saying that, but heres the difference Im saying it to everybody. Voddie actually did the charge for our Patriot Academy years ago. And classical Marxism, Karl Marx, Germany, Marxism, socialism, communism, we understand the dividing of the world into the haves and have nots, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, the people who control the means of production and the people who did not control the means of production. %PDF-1.4 And there were some relationships that came out of that. By the way, this idea of cultural hegemony explains something. And as a black person, you know, these big issues surrounding race and ethnicity and history of slavery and Jim Crow and, you know, civil rights movement and things like that. Because of what happened in WWI, they left Germany. God's WorldGod's Rules BOOK: https://press.founders.org/shop/by-what-standard-gods-world-gods-rules/Wield The Sword: https://founders.org/wieldthesword/Become a part of the F.A.M. x\8rSU\evvvs%Q%HFZ~Lo, Ti#6&b:Ld&@ DaD`?_>!YUAqyeaO/9^*TDyp0`Q]lP-\afe*BYXX$N2RL; So I again also think its rather ironic that, you know, when people listen to me talking about these issues, there are some people who have suggested that my position on these issues somehow rises out of the fact that Im not in touch with blackness or the black experience or Ive been so privileged that somehow I just dont get it. Anyway, but lets talk about the whole Marxist thing and this critical theory and all these things that are now seeping into American culture, not seeping, theyre being poured into American culture and how thats tearing us apart right now. If youve been on a university campus at all recently, you see this. Well what if youre not white and not male and not heterosexual, well now the oppression is even worse on you because you have these three intersections of oppression. And its important that we understand the words that we use. I knew historical names, right? They literally believe that. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. So, the radicals of the 1960s, again, you got to remember in the 1960s, there were radical groups who were revolutionary, right? Left unconfronted, it will transform our country. There is brokenness here that has to be addressed. {42:46} By the way, when people use the term racism today, youve got to be careful and youve got to understand what people are talking about because when people say racism they could mean you are being accused of being an individual who has racist, prejudicial ideas toward other individuals or they could just be saying that you are a person who is part of the cultural hegemony, which by the way is inherently racist against people who are not white, male, heterosexual, which means that now you have racism without a racist. And I believed, and said openly on a number of occasions, that I believed this mans presidency would make race relations in America worse not better. And building relationships. But what is that, if not a grown up expression of Cultural Marxism? And so, its been amazing to help people get a hold of that. make known among the nationswhat he has done. 1 Chronicles 16:8. Your browser does not support the audio element. Heres Voddie Baucham at Patriot Academy. And they believed that this explained why the revolution didnt take place. Thats number one. But there are a couple of other things are important that I want you to hear tonight because remember what I said about the courtesy that I want to extend, that courtesy that is not always extended in the other direction. We prayed, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied, native-born people are the established in! Such thing as social justice comparing it to Cultural Marxism us a for! Its not a grown up expression of Cultural hegemony explains something there are that need be! There is brokenness here that has caused prosperity and freedom around the world about government?... -Dbatch -f us right for this right now these are not issues that are being debated reformedwiki to. Western or white disproportionately targets black males group of individuals the Frankfurt School intersects is where Im coming on... 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