mysql insert slow large table

Im writing about working with large data sets, these are then your tables and your working set do not fit in memory. separate single-row INSERT If foreign key is not really needed, just drop it. What should I do when an employer issues a check and requests my personal banking access details? OPTIMIZE helps for certain problems ie it sorts indexes themselves and removers row fragmentation (all for MYISAM tables). Id suggest you to find which query in particular got slow and post it on forums. This is usually This means the database is composed of multiple servers (each server is called a node), which allows for faster insert rate The downside, though, is that its harder to manage and costs more money. I run the following query, which takes 93 seconds ! First thing you need to take into account is fact; a situation when data fits in memory and when it does not are very different. Thanks for your hint with innodb optimizations. I came to this Now the inbox table holds about 1 million row with nearly 1 gigabyte total. Can members of the media be held legally responsible for leaking documents they never agreed to keep secret? Just to clarify why I didnt mention it, MySQL has more flags for memory settings, but they arent related to insert speed. Prefer full table scans to index accesses For large data sets, full table scans are often faster than range scans and other types of index lookups. Q.question, A single transaction can contain one operation or thousands. After that, records #1.2m - #1.3m alone took 7 mins. Open the php file from your localhost server. INNER JOIN tblanswers A USING (answerid) If it is possible you instantly will have half of the problems solved. What are possible reasons a sound may be continually clicking (low amplitude, no sudden changes in amplitude). A.answerID, The most insert delays are when there is lot's of traffic in our "rush hour" on the page. This way, you split the load between two servers, one for inserts one for selects. The REPLACE ensure that any duplicate value is overwritten with the new values. I have tried indexes and that doesnt seem to be the problem. You should certainly consider all possible options - get the table on to a test server in your lab to see how it behaves. The problem was: why would this table get so fragmented or come to its knees with the transaction record as mentioned above (a small fraction of INSERTs and UPDATEs)? Dropping the index Its possible to place a table on a different drive, whether you use multiple RAID 5/6 or simply standalone drives. See Section8.5.5, Bulk Data Loading for InnoDB Tables I have a project I have to implement with open-source software. Some things to watch for are deadlocks (threads concurrency). e3.answerID = A.answerID, GROUP BY Another rule of thumb is to use partitioning for really large tables, i.e., tables with at least 100 million rows. Insert values explicitly only when the value to be It might be not that bad in practice, but again, it is not hard to reach 100 times difference. SELECT TITLE FROM GRID WHERE STRING = sport; When I run the query below, it only takes 0.1 seconds : SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GRID WHERE STRING = sport; So while the where-clause is the same, the first query takes much more time. As my experience InnoDB performance is lower than MyISAM. Some collation uses utf8mb4, in which every character is 4 bytes. Thats why I tried to optimize for faster insert rate. MySQL supports two storage engines: MyISAM and InnoDB table type. There are 277259 rows and only some inserts are slow (rare). Nice thanks. can you show us some example data of file_to_process.csv maybe a better schema should be build. This could mean millions of table so it is not easy to test. @AbhishekAnand only if you run it once. When working with strings, check each string to determine if you need it to be Unicode or ASCII. Your tip about index size is helpful. I understand that I can unsubscribe from the communication at any time in accordance with the Percona Privacy Policy. MySQL is ACID compliant (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), which means it has to do certain things in a certain way that can slow down the database. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Heres my query. COUNT(DISTINCT e1.evalanswerID) AS totalforinstructor, Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. max_allowed_packet = 8M Thats why Im now thinking about useful possibilities of designing the message table and about whats the best solution for the future. But if I do tables based on IDs, which would not only create so many tables, but also have duplicated records since information is shared between 2 IDs. BTW, when I considered using custom solutions that promised consistent insert rate, they required me to have only a primary key without indexes, which was a no-go for me. COUNTRY char(2) NOT NULL, previously dumped as mysqldump tab), The data was some 1.3G, 15.000.000 rows, 512MB memory one the box. * also how long would an insert take? Heres an article that measures the read time for different charsets and ASCII is faster then utf8mb4. query_cache_size = 256M. Avoid joins to large tables Joining of large data sets using nested loops is very expensive. ASets.answersetname, For example, how large were your MySQL tables, system specs, how slow were your queries, what were the results of your explains, etc. The way MySQL does commit: It has a transaction log, whereby every transaction goes to a log file and its committed only from that log file. The problem is that the rate of the table update is getting slower and slower as it grows. Using SQL_BIG_RESULT helps to make it use sort instead. In that case, any read optimization will allow for more server resources for the insert statements. DESCRIPTION text character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci, The server itself is tuned up with a 4GB buffer pool etc. Please help me to understand my mistakes :) ). AS answerpercentage What queries are you going to run on it ? * If i run a select from where query, how long is the query likely to take? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? * and how would i estimate such performance figures? The first 1 million records inserted in 8 minutes. Remember that the hash storage size should be smaller than the average size of the string you want to use; otherwise, it doesnt make sense, which means SHA1 or SHA256 is not a good choice. I insert rows in batches of 1.000.000 rows. The Cloud has been a hot topic for the past few yearswith a couple clicks, you get a server, and with one click you delete it, a very powerful way to manage your infrastructure. e1.evalid = e2.evalid I'll second @MarkR's comments about reducing the indexes. VPS is an isolated virtual environment that is allocated on a dedicated server running a particular software like Citrix or VMWare. The disk is carved out of hardware RAID 10 setup. Innodb's ibdata file has grown to 107 GB. SELECT id FROM table_name WHERE (year > 2001) AND (id = 345 OR id = 654 .. OR id = 90). In this one, the combination of "name" and "key" MUST be UNIQUE, so I implemented the insert procedure as follows: The code just shown allows me to reach my goal but, to complete the execution, it employs about 48 hours, and this is a problem. Therefore, its possible that all VPSs will use more than 50% at one time, which means the virtual CPU will be throttled. values. Not the answer you're looking for? Some joins are also better than others. Hm. (because MyISAM table allows for full table locking, its a different topic altogether). inserts on large tables (60G) very slow. Our popular knowledge center for all Percona products and all related topics. If you have your data fully in memory you could perform over 300,000 random lookups per second from a single thread, depending on system and table structure. interactive_timeout=25 table_cache=1800 ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED; My problem is, as more rows are inserted, the longer time it takes to insert more rows. Since I used PHP to insert data into MySQL, I ran my application a number of times, as PHP support for multi-threading is not optimal. Q.question, Since this is a predominantly SELECTed table, I went for MYISAM. So we would go from 5 minutes to almost 4 days if we need to do the join. Laughably they even used PHP for one project. A.answervalue MySQL is a relational database. Erick: Please provide specific, technical, information on your problem, so that we can avoid the same issue in MySQL. What kind of query are you trying to run and how EXPLAIN output looks for that query. There is no need for the temporary table. ASets.answersetid, One thing to keep in mind that MySQL maintains a connection pool. Im doing the following to optimize the inserts: 1) LOAD DATA CONCURRENT LOCAL INFILE '/TempDBFile.db' IGNORE INTO TABLE TableName FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\r'; The fact that Im not going to use it doesnt mean you shouldnt. ALTER TABLE normally rebuilds indexes by sort, so does LOAD DATA INFILE (Assuming were speaking about MyISAM table) so such difference is quite unexpected. There are two main output tables that most of the querying will be done on. UNIQUE KEY string (STRING,URL). It has exactly one table. with Merging or Materialization, InnoDB and MyISAM Index Statistics Collection, Optimizer Use of Generated Column Indexes, Optimizing for Character and String Types, Disadvantages of Creating Many Tables in the Same Database, Limits on Table Column Count and Row Size, Optimizing Storage Layout for InnoDB Tables, Optimizing InnoDB Configuration Variables, Optimizing InnoDB for Systems with Many Tables, Obtaining Execution Plan Information for a Named Connection, Caching of Prepared Statements and Stored Programs, Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Unix, Using Symbolic Links for MyISAM Tables on Unix, Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Windows, Measuring the Speed of Expressions and Functions, Measuring Performance with performance_schema, Examining Server Thread (Process) Information, 8.0 Speaking about open_file_limit which limits number of files MySQL can use at the same time on modern operation systems it is safe to set it to rather high values. what changes are in 5.1 which change how the optimzer parses queries.. does running optimize table regularly help in these situtations? For example, if you have a star join with dimension tables being small, it would not slow things down too much. group columns**/ The times for full table scan vs range scan by index: Also, remember not all indexes are created equal. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. In mssql The best performance if you have a complex dataset is to join 25 different tables than returning each one, get the desired key and selecting from the next table using that key .. Privacy Policy and Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The linux tool mytop and the query SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS\G can be helpful to see possible trouble spots. QAX.questionid, LINEAR KEY needs to be calculated every insert. MySQL supports table partitions, which means the table is split into X mini tables (the DBA controls X). e1.evalid = e2.evalid read_buffer_size=9M same time, use INSERT All the database has to do afterwards is to add the new entry to the respective data block. AS answerpercentage Going to 27 sec from 25 is likely to happen because index BTREE becomes longer. I have tried setting one big table for one data set, the query is very slow, takes up like an hour, which idealy I would need a few seconds. The flag O_DIRECT tells MySQL to write the data directly without using the OS IO cache, and this might speed up the insert rate. This will reduce the gap, but I doubt it will be closed. You can use the following methods to speed up inserts: If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time, use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time. In MySQL why is the first batch executed through client-side prepared statement slower? How do I import an SQL file using the command line in MySQL? Improve INSERT-per-second performance of SQLite, Insert into a MySQL table or update if exists, MySQL: error on truncate `myTable` when FK has on Delete Cascade enabled, MySQL Limit LEFT JOIN Subquery after joining. COUNT(DISTINCT e1.evalanswerID) AS totalforinstructor, just a couple of questions to clarify somethings. This could be done by data partitioning (i.e. What is the difference between these 2 index setups? Why don't objects get brighter when I reflect their light back at them? You can copy the. WHERE sp.approved = Y They can affect insert performance if the database is used for reading other data while writing. HAVING Q.questioncatid = 1, UNION There are certain optimizations in the works which would improve the performance of index accesses/index scans. But because every database is different, the DBA must always test to check which option works best when doing database tuning. Runing explain is good idea. STRING varchar(100) character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default , Divide the object list into the partitions and generate batch insert statement for each partition. POINTS decimal(10,2) NOT NULL default 0.00, Simply passing all the records to the database is extremely slow as you mentioned, so use the speed of the Alteryx engine to your advantage. In MySQL, the single query runs as a single thread (with exception of MySQL Cluster) and MySQL issues IO requests one by one for query execution, which means if single query execution time is your concern, many hard drives and a large number of CPUs will not help. What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? This article will try to give some guidance on how to speed up slow INSERT SQL queries. 1. Ian, Trying to insert a row with an existing primary key will cause an error, which requires you to perform a select before doing the actual insert. myisam_sort_buffer_size=950M In my proffesion im used to joining together all the data in the query (mssql) before presenting it to the client. How can I detect when a signal becomes noisy? Some people claim it reduced their performance; some claimed it improved it, but as I said in the beginning, it depends on your solution, so make sure to benchmark it. Any information you provide may help us decide which database system to use, and also allow Peter and other MySQL experts to comment on your experience; your post has not provided any information that would help us switch to PostgreSQL. Now if your data is fully on disk (both data and index) you would need 2+ IOs to retrieve the row which means you get about 100 rows/sec. We will have to do this check in the application. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Its 2020, and theres no need to use magnetic drives; in all seriousness, dont unless you dont need a high-performance database. It's a fairly easy method that we can tweak to get every drop of speed out of it. The best way is to keep the same connection open as long as possible. When Tom Bombadil made the One Ring disappear, did he put it into a place that only he had access to? LEFT JOIN (tblevalanswerresults e1 INNER JOIN tblevaluations e2 ON Joins to smaller tables is OK but you might want to preload them to memory before join so there is no random IO needed to populate the caches. In fact it is not smart enough. MySQL uses InnoDB as the default engine. join_buffer=10M, max_heap_table_size=50M Regarding your TABLE, there's 3 considerations that affects your performance for each record you add : (1) Your Indexes (2) Your Trigger (3) Your Foreign Keys. monitor, manage, secure, and optimize database environments on any Take the * out of your select, and name the columns you need. table_cache = 512 @Kalkin: That sounds like an excuse to me - "business requirements demand it." Its possible to allocate many VPSs on the same server, with each VPS isolated from the others. The index on (hashcode, active) has to be checked on each insert make sure no duplicate entries are inserted. Increase the log file size limit The default innodb_log_file_size limit is set to just 128M, which isn't great for insert heavy environments. If you run the insert multiple times, it will insert 100k rows on each run (except the last one). (NOT interested in AI answers, please), How to turn off zsh save/restore session in How do I import an SQL file using the command line in MySQL? 1. connect_timeout=5 If you can afford it, apply the appropriate architecture for your TABLE, like PARTITION TABLE, and PARTITION INDEXES within appropriate SAS Drives. (not 100% related to this post, but we use MySQL Workbench to design our databases. The alternative is to insert multiple rows using the syntax of many inserts per query (this is also called extended inserts): The limitation of many inserts per query is the value of max_allowed_packet, which limits the maximum size of a single command. The size of the table slows down the insertion of indexes by After 26 million rows with this option on, it suddenly takes 520 seconds to insert the next 1 million rows.. Any idea why? infrastructure. If its possible to read from the table while inserting, this is not a viable solution. Also some collation uses utf8mb4, in which every character can be up to 4 bytes. 14 seconds for InnoDB for a simple INSERT would imply that something big is happening to the table -- such as ALTER TABLE or an UPDATE that does not use an index. I am working on a large MySQL database and I need to improve INSERT performance on a specific table. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. How can I speed it up? Is partitioning the table only option? Peter, I just stumbled upon your blog by accident. You probably missunderstood this article. Be mindful of the index size: Larger indexes consume more storage space and can slow down insert and update operations. Can I ask for a refund or credit next year? In Core Data, is it possible to create a table without an index and then add an index after all the inserts are complete? Doing so also causes an index lookup for every insert. This table is constantly updating with new rows and clients also read from it. A.answervalue, Reference: Optimizing INSERT Statements. Some indexes may be placed in a sorted way or pages placed in random places this may affect index scan/range scan speed dramatically. Now it has gone up by 2-4 times. For in-memory workload indexes, access might be faster even if 50% of rows are accessed, while for disk IO bound access we might be better off doing a full table scan even if only a few percent or rows are accessed. Sounds to me you are just flame-baiting. Sometimes it is a good idea to manually split the query into several run in parallel and aggregate the result sets. Advanced Search. Additionally, another reason for delays is simply database activity. single large operation. You didn't mention what your workload is like, but if there are not too many reads or you have enough main-memory, another option is to use a write-optimized backend for MySQL, instead of innodb. or just when you have a large change in your data distribution in your table? Instructions : 1. Some people would also remember if indexes are helpful or not depends on index selectivity how large the proportion of rows match to a particular index value or range. One could could call it trivial fast task, unfortunately I had If it should be table per user or not depends on numer of users. Slow ( rare ) id suggest you to find which query in particular slow! Union there are certain optimizations in the query into several run in parallel aggregate! In 5.1 which change how the optimzer parses queries.. does running optimize table regularly help these! And theres no need to change my bottom bracket index setups so that we avoid. 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