greyhawk age of great sorrow

(2003 OR), 478 CY Iggwilv is overthrown and imprisoned. ** For the next few years, Gygax was the arbiter of all events that occurred in Greyhawk until he was ousted from TSR in 1985. * 347 CY ** Magical experiment kills Tysiln Sans mage mentor, prompting her to travel the surface world alone. The Great Kingdom arose from the Kingdom of Aerdy in -110 CY, when the Aerdi forces of Grand Prince Almor II defeated the Nyrondese in the Battle of a Fortnights Length. c. -14,010 Lord Holmer, leader of the Knights of Holy Shielding is captured and taken to Dorakaa. (Oerths second sun in the sky may or may not disappear during this time.). (1081 OR), 449 CY Second Civil War in Rauxes. (935 OR), 310 CY Beginning of the Formation of the Shield Lands. * 3400s BCY Tiamat-worshipping empire of Caerdiralor rises and falls (near modern Onnwal). * 453 CY ** Jaran Krimeah renamed The Exalted One; The Valley becomes known henceforth as The Valley of the Mage. ** **, * 575 CY ** Autumn: Ehrendil Stone captured by Slave Lord agents near the city of Gryrax, sold and transported to duergar occupying the dungeons below White Plume Mountain. Herzog of the South Province leads forces to a minor victory over the Golden League (Nyrond, Almor and Provinces began calving off the empire like icebergs into the sea, beginning with Ferrond in 254 CY. ** In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom (also known as the Order of Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom) is the most fabled chivalric order in the Flanaess. [1], In 75 CY, Overking Tenmeris died and was succeeded by his wife Yalranda, the first and only Overqueen of the Great Kingdom, and an influential member of House Rax-Nyrond but a Cranden by marriage. ** (, Surviving Baklunish migrate north to the shores of the, Keoland and Furyondy go to war, resulting in the secession of the Keolandish regions of, Excessive taxation and repression leads to a general rebellion in the southern, Assassination of nearly all of the House of Rax, with the exception of, Evil forces construct a small chapel outside the village of, Iuz is inadvertently freed from imprisonment below. **, * 576 CY ** Spring: Valley of the Mages First Protector Tysiln San sends Norah Brithel on a quest to find the missing Ehrendil Stone. When the struggle between the Baklunish and Suloise empires threatened to engulf central Oerik, it was proclaimed that the destiny of the Aerdi and other Oeridians lay far to the east. ** His adventurous exploits had taken him the length and breadth of Oerth and beyond -- his command of magic had grown to heroic proportions. Urnst become independent. . (995 OR), 356 CY Kingdom of Nyrond established, Kingdom of Keoland reaches peak; Keolands Small War with Furyondy. An time period that started 213 CY when the rulers of the Great Kingdom started to fall. It was nominated for deletion on Wikipedia. CY = Common Year (counting years since first Imperial reign in Aerdy) ** * 913 BCY Shattados, last King of Sulm, receives the Scorpion Crown from the chaos god Tharizdun. * Sariel Galanodel, elven wizard (Cecilia Baader) Unaccepted by locals, they take to barge life on rivers and lakes. Claimants to the throne marched on the capital of Rauxes, when the city was engulfed by a wild and unpredictable magical effect. (2091 OR), 560 CY Formation of the Circle of Eight. (1072 OR), 440 CY Warrior-Priests of Wintershiven found the Church Militant (of Pholtus). * 505 CY Iuz disappears and his nation falls into chaos. (1090 OR), 461 CY Demi-human realm of Ulek affected, demi-human realm of Celene revealed (although it is also affected in the eyes of the Great Kingdom, this hidden Elven realm actually just decides to open communications with the human kingdoms at this time). The Bandit Kingdoms fall to Iuz in the same offensive. (1065 OR), 435 CY An unnamed agent of an evil deity bestows the Hand of Vecna, on Myro. (917 OR), 283 CY Thrommel III begins construction of Chendl. He established the Common Year calendar, with the new year established as 1 CY. Perrenland is liberated. The viceroyalty of Ferrond led the way, becoming the kingdom of Furyondy. [1] In the beginning, the entire "world" consisted of a single dungeon underneath an abandoned castle. * 551 CY Discovery of gold and treasure under Castle Greyhawk sparks local economic boom. . **. Starts precedent for ascension to leadership of that enclave. "Greychrondex." Others like you also viewed Ahlissa Boccob Main Page Iggwilv Kelanen * 342 CY The Grey College founded in the settlement of Greyhawk. (From the Ashes 9), On the same day, Rary instigates a massive magical battle within the Great Hall and attempts to assassinate the other members of the Circle of Eight, killing only Otiluke and Tenser before fleeing into the Bright Desert to form his own kingdom. . Duke Eyeh II of Tenh begins an aggressive campaign to clear the Troll Fens. The herzog (great prince) of North Province, Ivid I, then laid claim to the throne. The recalcitrant herzog of South Province was quickly deposed and replaced by a prince from House Naelax, who sought immediately to bring the southern insurgents back into line. AGE OF GREAT SORROW (decline of The Great Kingdom) When Yalranda died at the age of 40, her son Manshen broke with tradition to take the name of House Rax-Nyrond. * 557 CY ** Stelfast Holren becomes a professional hunter/guide for various nobles and merchants traveling through the Ardi Forest in The Great Kingdom. (Guide 9), Zagig Yragerne begins construction of Castle Greyhawk. ** They named that vast ocean the Solnor (literally, the birthplace of the sun), and along its shores they founded a series of small states. ** * 799 BCY ** Keraptis and his remaining evil gnome followers move into the dungeon under White Plume Mountain. [1], In 535 OR (-110 CY), during the reign Grand Prince Almor II, House Rax defeated its western rival Nyrond in the Battle of a Fortnight's Length. This page may be a Stub or not include some information. * 421 CY Zagig Yragerne disappears from public life. The Scarlet Brotherhood invades the Hold of the Sea Princes. His fatuous son Malev was uninterested in the office and proceeded to secretly auction it off to the highest bidder among his relatives. This move centralized power in the capital at Rauxes, which initially posed challenges to the Overking due to the difficulty of governing such a large realm. * 1538 BCY Break with Suel, founding of the Baklunish Empire. Greyhawk's "lansgraf" government model is officially replaced by an oligarchy. * 479 CY Iuz becomes a political threat in the north-central Flanaess. Several noble houses resorted to in-fighting or settling old scores with rival houses. (CY), which system commenced when the Overking of Aerdy declared universal peace through the whole of the Great Kingdom. **, * 566 CY ** Rose (Ulanu) Flickflower begins combat training under Lord Tethrin of the Faerie Kingdom of Celene. Gray Hawk Name Meaning. The Great Kingdom, or the Great Kingdom of Aerdy or The Empire of Aerdy or just Aerdy. (1001 OR), 360 CY Battle of Molvar and Battle of Lopolla end Keolandish expansion to the North. The faith of Hextor became the most prominent in the realm, and it laid claim to the See of Medegia, wresting it from the Zilchans who had held it for nearly two centuries after they had supplanted the Pelor. All central authority gone, the provinces of Aerdy went their own ways. He ruled a land now called the kingdom of Aerdy (aer meaning sky in Old Oeridian). . **, * 337 CY ** Elven Queen Eldrell Yeni Surinen of the Divine House of Larethian appears in the Duchy of Ulek. [1], This began an era of decline for the Great Kingdom, with successive Overkings being increasingly decadent and incompetent, leading to the gradual collapse of the Great Kingdom. Gray Hawks are small . * 571 CY Iuz conquers lands of the Horned Society. The battle results in a decisive defeat of the Great Kingdoms armies. ** = Moment of significance from player characters campaign backstories. **, * 307 CY ** Entire San family murdered by Lolth priestesses, only Tysiln escapes the Vault of the Drow with help from a mage; both flee to the surface world. He rules for 100 years with the aid of the Eye of Vecna. They oversaw a fractured Great Kingdom, but they did so with iron fists and villainous glee. ** A tropical species that barely crosses the border into Arizona and Texas, the Gray Hawk is an elegant, raincloud-gray raptor with neatly barred underparts. ** ** The Malachite Throne soon became known as the Fiend-Seeing Throne, and it was widely believed (with good reason) that the Ivid overkings consorted with evil outsiders. (3015 OR), 582 CY Rise of Vatun (Iuz) in the North; Fall of Tenh; Beginning of the Greyhawk Wars. ** (Dungeon #124.62). )Pre- All of the following events occurred before theDevastation Rain of Colorless Fire and the Invoked(Undated) Devastation, but their exact date of occurrence isunknown. (858 OR) 254 CY Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning of Thrommel I. Veluna and Tenh follow in declaring independence. [6][7] From 1985 to 2003, newly published material added more "backstory" to the Greyhawk history, subsequently adding many items to Gygax's original timeline. ** (522 OR), -110 CY Battle of a Fortnights length. ** During the reign of Grand Prince Almor II, the Rax Aerdi defeated their Nyrondese rivals in the Battle of a Fortnights Length (535 OR, or -109 CY). After the withdrawal of Nyrond from the Great Kingdom, the slide became precipitous. **, * 550 CY ** Ulanu Flickflower leaves home, uses false names as a wandering charlatan in Keoland and Ulek nations. The priesthood of Hextor officially deposes Ivid V as Overking. (Guide 9) Note: Conflicts with 361 CY. **, * 453 CY ** Norah Brithel born to mother Torgga Mightyhammer of Clan Dankil and father Oskar Brithel of Clan Fireforge in the Barrier Peaks foothills overlooking Little Bissel in the Valley of the Mage. 213 CY. **, * 540 CY ** Stelfast Holren born near Errantkeep under the prosperous dominion of House Naelax, a noble family in The Great Kingdom. * 1324 BCY ** Drow and giant raids on The Valley prompt a contingent of 300 gnomes to head east on a quest to learn better magical defenses. **, * 260 CY ** Tysiln San born in the Vault of the Drow. In the year 1 OR (-644 CY), conflict between the Baklunish Empire and the Suel Imperium threatened to engulf the regions inhabited by the Oeridians tribes. First they conquered the Flans crumbling kingdom of Ahlissa in the southwest, then swept north to contend with other Oeridian tribes who had settled the Flanaess behind them. no risk refund guarantee Years of civil war ensued, and only the intercession of dispassionate houses such as Garasteth and Darmen brought about the final compromise. University of Rauxes sacked. * 576 CY ** Autumn (week before Brewfest): Rose, Ehrendil, Norah and Sariel arrive in the City of Greyhawk. (1028 OR), 394 CY The publishing of Pontus Hardiggins, halfling traveler extraordinaire, journals and his description of Esmerin, the land of giants and halflings in the Lortmils. (1029 OR), 400 CY Voorman Perren unites cantons of Perrenland. **, * 405 CY ** Tysiln San given refuge among a community of halflings in northern Keoland for 50 years before resuming her wandering. THE GREYHAWK WARS In 582 CY, the god Vatun appeared to his subjects among the barbarian tribes of the Thillonrian Peninsula. **, * 452 CY ** Jaran Krimeah, now known as The Black One, arrives in The Valley and champions its elven, gnome and human peoples. [4], In 437 CY, Overking Nalif of House Rax was assassinated by House Naelax. The ill-fated expedition of Sormod of Perrenland to find Eru-Tovar, north of Blackmoor. * 569 CY Temple of Elemental Evil founds an army, gets destroyed a year later by a coalition of humans and elves at the Battle of Emridy Meadows. (LGG, 65). * 1923 BCY Founding of the Empire of Sulm in central Flaeness, soon conquers neighboring lands. Rather than using his own map, which was simply a map of the United States overwritten with his cities, towns and regions, he sketched out a new world called Oerth,[3] then concentrated on one corner of one continent, a place called the Flanaess. Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene . The Age of Great Sorrow(decline of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy). JavaScript is currently disabled. (Players Guide to Greyhawk 9), Outer dependencies of Aerdy gain sovereignty. * 455 CY ** Tysiln San captured in the Valley of the Mage, becomes lover/First Protector to the Exalted One/Black One. (845 OR), 254 CY Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning of Thrommel I. Veluna and Tenh follow in declaring independence. The war was disastrous for the Great Kingdom, and in 584 CY, North Province declared independence. (2015 OR), 494 CY Ivid I dies, Ivid II ascends the Malachite Throne. "White Dwarf Interview: Gary Gygax - the man who made it all possible". * 564 CY ** Ulanu Flickflower discovers good cleric Evangelor Umpirt is secretly working with the Slave Lords. * 576 CY ** Autumn (Brewfest): Stelfast Holdren and Maura arrive in the City of Greyhawk, are almost kidnapped by Evangelor Umpirt and other Slave Lords; Rose, Ehrendil, Norah, Sariel save the centaur and his young ward. * 474 CY ** Ehrendil Stone born to elven and elemental parents near the Monastery of the Toiling Lady along the southwestern coast of Jeklea Bay. The Great Kingdom became a potent force for order and good in the Flanaess. Celene achieves full independence, Yolande elevated to queen of Celene. Ivid II quickly fell into dementia and was in turn assassinated by his own son, Ivid III, in 497 CY. . A brief hysteria occurred among the superstitious Aerdi. * circa 13,000s BCY ** Faction of isolationist elves settle in The Valley section of the Barrier Peaks. Overking Zelcor promptly abolished the astrologers order for trying to recreate earlier hysteria and banished the members to Rel Astra. [3], By 100 CY, the Great Kingdom stretched the entire breadth of the Flanaess, from the Solnor Ocean to the Fals Gap, and as far north as Perrenland and the north and northeast of the Vesve Forest, and from Sunndi to the Griff-Corusk mountains. For a full article on the topic with citations, please see Age of Great Sorrow at Bcy Tiamat-worshipping Empire of Sulm in central Flaeness, soon conquers neighboring lands years the. Established the Common Year calendar, with the new Year established as 1 CY fatuous Malev! North-Central Flanaess is overthrown and imprisoned 845 OR ), Outer dependencies of Aerdy went their ways.. ) into the dungeon under White Plume Mountain, 356 CY Kingdom of Aerdy.. Ivid I dies, Ivid II ascends the Malachite throne became a potent force order. 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