computer security: principles and practice 4th edition github

Orchestration works by reducing the number of dependencies between a system S and new components {Ci}, and eliminating altogether the explicit dependencies among the components {Ci}, by centralizing those dependencies at the orchestration mechanism. For each quality attribute scenario examined during an ATAM exercise, those architectural decisions that help to achieve it are determined and captured. In this section, we provide guidance as to what types of things you will want to document to reap these bene ts. 2 (April 1962): 200209. We can a ord to reallocate a new container instance for every request. Do the results surprise you? Addison-Wesley, 2006. Two common examples of maintaining multiple copies of data are data replication and caching. Damian Conway Creating an architecture isnt enough. The performance community has events arriving at a system, the security community has attacks arriving at a system, the availability community has faults arriving, and the usability community has user input. All of these may actually refer to the same occurrence, but they are described using di erent terms. This calls for a speci c type of modi ability (see Chapter 8) and an attention to deployability (see Chapter 5). You can subscribe to any of these digital products for one low monthly price. ciency using each of the 2. A common manifestation of a system model is a progress bar that predicts the time needed to complete the current activity. Writing down every aspect of every possible interaction is not practical and almost never desirable. It also includes shared data structures that impact, and are impacted by, multiple units. The architect should also take into consideration data storage available locally, data update intervals, and privacy concerns. A Workshop on Analysis and Evaluation of Enterprise Architectures, CMU/SEI-2010-TN-023, In principle, an outside team may evaluate a completed architecture, an incomplete architecture, or a portion of an architecture. They allow developers to run and test applications that are not compatible with the computers host operating system (e.g., to run Linux applications on a Windows computer or to run Windows applications on an Apple computer). Figure 8.2 Goal of modi ability tactics To understand modi ability, we begin with some of the earliest and most fundamental complexity measures of software designcoupling and cohesion which were rst described in the 1960s. For example, you might refactor a system to improve its security, placing di erent modules into di erent subsystems based on their security properties. [Lampson 11] Butler Lampson, Hints and Principles for Computer System Design, B: Hazardous. Discovering Architectures from Running Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 32, no. Release It! A timestamp of an event can be established by assigning the state of a local clock to the event immediately after the event occurs. Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices, IEEE Software 8, no. Processors are scheduled, bu ers are scheduled, and networks are scheduled. However, some issues may arise when you are pulling down and running an image that you (or your organization) did not create: You cannot control the versions of the OS and software. Events can be logged easily to allow for record and playback and thereby reproduce error conditions that can be challenging to recreate manually. [Benkler 07] Y. Benkler. Find a skilled architect whom you respect, and attach yourself to that person. A Pod is a group of related containers. As software has come to control more and more of the devices in our lives, software safety has become a critical concern. RK 3.4 Achieving Quality Attributes Architectural Patterns and Tactics through We now turn to the techniques an architect can use to achieve the required quality attributes: architectural patterns and tactics. Virtualization 16.1 Shared Resources 16.2 Virtual Machines 16.3 VM Images 16.4 Containers 16.5 Containers and VMs 16.6 Container Portability 16.7 Pods 16.8 Serverless Architecture 16.9 Summary 16.10 For Further Reading 16.11 Discussion Questions 17. This depends entirely on your goals. Time Coordination in a Distributed System Determining exactly what time it is might seem to be a trivial task, but it is actually not easy. [Nielsen 08] Jakob Nielsen. Again, this can be done statically, such as with a DNS server, or dynamically. Unfortunately, this is not usually the case, although information in the requirements documents can certainly be useful. Writers about architects also speak of skills and knowledge. Agility and Architecture: Can They Coexist? IEEE Software 27, no. Other. Read here for cheating and plagiarism and their definitions. Of course, the resources available will be di erent in each case, so deployment is still not trivial. After the N instances of new Service A are installed, the DNS server or discovery service would be changed to point to the new version of Service A. Multiple interfaces support evolution by keeping the old interface and adding a new one. Sometimes a principle is violated when there is a worthy tradeo for example, sacri cing low coupling or high cohesion to improve runtime performance or time to market. In this way, the message publication causes an implicit invocation of (methods in) other components. Canary testing minimizes the number of users who may be exposed to a serious defect in the new system. 5.1 Continuous Deployment Deployment is a process that starts with coding and ends with real users interacting with the system in a production environment. During early ight testing, which often involves pushing the aircraft to (and beyond) its utmost limits, an aircraft entered an unsafe state and violent maneuvers were exactly what were needed to save itbut the computers dutifully prevented them. This view would show all of the component-to-component channels, various network channels, quality-ofservice parameter values, and areas of concurrency. The bene ts are worth the e ort, though, as you will be able to later produce the more detailed architecture documentation relatively easily and quickly. Written for both an academic and professional audience, the 4th Edition continues to set the standard for computer security with a balanced presentation of principles and practice. For example, architectures to support computing in the cloud (Chapter 17) were not important several years ago. When you choose an eTextbook subscription, you're signing up for a 4-month term. 6 (June 2002). Figure 6.3 Energy e ciency tactics Monitor Resources You cant manage what you cant measure, and so we begin with resource monitoring. For software, the payo s can take the following forms: Decreased time to market (it should be easier to use someone elses ready solution than to build your own) Increased reliability (widely used software should have its bugs ironed out already) Lower cost (the software supplier can amortize development cost across its customer base) Flexibility (if the element you want to buy is not terribly special-purpose, its likely to be available from several sources, which in turn increases your buying leverage) An open system is one that de nes a set of standards for software elementshow they behave, how they interact with other elements, how they share data, and so forth. [Obbink 02] H. Obbink, P. Kruchten, W. Kozaczynski, H. Postema, A. 5. OReilly, 2019. Concurrency. We can represent the le dependencies using a special kind of adjacency matrix called a design structure matrix (DSM). As the scenarios are re ned, issues surrounding their satisfaction will emerge, and should be recorded. So, the management gateway will identify a hypervisor that can manage an additional VM of the type you have selected by asking, Is there enough unallocated CPU and memory capacity available on that physical machine to meet your needs? Trying to create a system that purposefully supports incremental development is problematic if you dont plan what exactly the increments will be. These are not useful requirements because they are not testable; they are not falsi able. Lets talk about the principles behind them as they a ect software and architectures. For example, HomeAway (now Vrbo) has used A/B testing to vary the format, content, and look-and-feel of its worldwide websites, tracking which editions produced the most rentals. For example, instead of working with each of several C&C structures, usually a single one will do. An architecturally signi cant requirement (ASR) is a requirement that will have a profound e ect on the architecturethat is, the architecture might well be dramatically di erent in the absence of such a requirement. The version of ADD described in this chapter is ADD 3.0. SAFe acknowledges the role of architecture. For example, services that perform more disk and network I/O incur more overhead than services that do not share these host resources. The software architecture will determine how this functionality is structured and how the software programs residing on the various processors interact. Other members monitored various specialized aspects of the system and its environment. George Fairbanks wrote an engaging book that describes a risk-driven process of architecture design, entitled Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-Driven Approach [Fairbanks 10]. Some functions may be shared between the mobile system and the cloud, and some functions may be shut down in certain modes to free up resources for other functions. Write a concrete availability scenario for a program like Microsoft Word. Every system has real-time performance constraints. Discuss. This tactic attempts to deal with the systematic nature of design faults by adding diversity to redundancy. Step 4: Identify the Architectural Approaches The ATAM focuses on analyzing an architecture by understanding its architectural approaches. Ran, L. Dominic, R. Kazman, R. Hilliard, W. Tracz, and E. Kahane. A service listens on a port and receives messages that arrive at the device on which the service is executing designated for the port on which the service is listening. 5. Deployment and work assignment. Prioritization of the scenarios is accomplished by allocating each stakeholder a number of votes equal to 30 percent of the total number of scenarios generated after consolidation. This reintroduction tactic is a partner to the redundant spare tactic. [FAA 00] System Safety Handbook, These strengths are, however, reduced because the interface limits the ways in which external responsibilities can interact with the element (perhaps through a wrapper). There is also a wave of new norms such as ANSI/UL 4600, Standard for Safety for the Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicles and Other Products, which tackle the challenges that emerge when software takes the wheel, guratively and literally. [Oki 88] Brian Oki and Barbara Liskov. Other techniques for throttling energy usage include reducing the number of active cores of the processor, reducing the clock rate of the cores, and reducing the frequency of sensor readings. The complexity can be tamed, made tractable. Many of the tactics for testability are also useful for achieving modi ability. Joint Proceedings of the SIGSOFT 96 Workshops, San Francisco, October 1996. As a consequence of this ight control software rule, the stall warning stopped and started several times. And yet that architecture, had it been delivered without a database, would have been just as de cient from the managers point of viewas if it had failed to deliver an important function or QA. The decisions made in an architecture allow you to reason about and manage change as the system evolves. Setting and examining a programs internal state is an aspect of testing that will gure prominently in our tactics for testability. Assignments are constructed to accommodate individual student interests and concerns. Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance. 8. Can the representation serialize arbitrary data structures? While these results are hard to measure, they are no less important than the others. 10. For a performance analyst, for example, the interface documentation should include a service level agreement (SLA) guarantee, so that actors can adjust their requests appropriately. Data Coordination in a Distributed System Consider the problem of creating a resource lock to be shared across distributed machines. When the various tests are passed, the built service is promoted to the staging environment. Probabilistic Logics and the Synthesis of Reliable Organisms from Unreliable Components, in Automata Studies, C. E. Shannon and J. McCarthy, eds. E cient. As components interact, how aligned are they with respect to how they cooperate to successfully carry out an interaction? Functional Documents for Computer Systems, in Science of Computer Programming. The behavior of elements embodies how they interact with each other and with the environment. In systems employing TMR, the statistical likelihood of two or more components failing is vanishingly small, and three components represents a sweet spot between availability and cost. The lowest layers are often provided by commercial softwarean operating system, for example, or network communications software. In Section 20.4, we present more details on how the di erent types of design concepts are instantiated, how structures are created, and how interfaces are de ned. Describe a set of tactics to achieve the quality attribute of mobility. 7. An image is bundled with all of its dependencies. The modules in this structure are called layers. A sensor hub is a coprocessor that helps integrate data from di erent sensors and process it. Software Interlocks System, Proceedings of ICALEPCS07, In this view, the conditions under which the allocation view changes, the allocation of runtime software, and the dynamic allocation mechanism need to be documented. Multiple interfaces provide a kind of separation of concerns. A variety of taxonomies and de nitions have been published (we discuss some of these in Chapter 14), many of which have their own research and practitioner communities. In Chapters 414, we discuss how various qualities are supported by architectural design decisions. Some certi cate or certi cation programs emphasize nontechnical skills. 3.7 Summary Functional requirements are satis ed by including an appropriate set of responsibilities within the design. Bene ts: Software to manage cross-cutting concerns can be purchased o the shelf or implemented and maintained by a specialist team that does nothing else, allowing developers of the business logic to focus on only that concern. The performance of the map phase of the mapreduce pattern is enhanced by having multiple map instances, each of which processes a di erent portion of the data set. In all cases, the client felt that the detailed scenarios, the analysis we were able to perform on the elicited architecture, and the recognition of what needed to be done more than justi ed the exercise. A system monitor can detect failure or congestion in the network or other shared resources, such as from a denial-of-service attack. 7. If you were managing a globally distributed team, which aspects of project management would have to change to account for cultural di erences? The extensions, when added, provide additional functionality over and above what is present in the skeleton. Follow a Release Strategy Your projects development plan should specify the process for keeping the important documentation, including the architecture documentation, current. It is, therefore, seldom seen on its own, but its use is implicit in the other tactics described here. Removing or deactivating resources when demands no longer require them is another method for decreasing energy consumption. You should at least have addressed the drivers with the highest priority. The load balancer will periodically check the health of the instances assigned to it. Because this image was created in steps and you told the container management system to make each step an image, the container management system considers the nal image to be made up of layers. Now you can move the LAMP stack container image to a di erent location for production use. You should choose your notations and representation languages while keeping in mind the important issues you need to capture and reason about. Figure 3.3 Tactics are intended to control responses to stimuli. The lab focuses on nuclear security, international and domestic security, and environmental and energy security. Architecture versus Design Architecture is design, but not all design is architecture. A wrapper is the only element allowed to use that component; every other piece of software uses the components services by going through the wrapper. Power Monitor The power monitor pattern monitors and manages system devices, minimizing the time during which they are active. The marketing department is concerned with customers reactions. He had a solid presentation and a solid architecture to present. Software Engineering Economics. Most programmers use a wide variety of higher-level languages. And so forth. Meeting responsibility to society 6. They called their approach structured programming, but arguably this was the debut of software architecture [Dijkstra 72]. If observers neglect to de-register, then their memory is never freed, which e ectively results in a memory leak. You must understand the uses to which the writing will be put and the audience for the writing. The ability to easily create a subset of a system allows for incremental development. 22), Network Security - Internet Authentication Applications (Ch. Roughly speaking, teleportation proceeds through these four steps: 1. You need to make sure that you are clear about your goals for a round. 606607. This was not an architectural question, but since he was an architect and therefore uent in the requirements, he knew the answer. For example, its database connection string refers to the wrong database server. 7. Thus, this strategy is more e ective for other kinds of systems. This composition is possible because the architecture de nes the elements that can be incorporated into the system. The number of reduce instances corresponds to the number of buckets output by the map function. Buy a Ferrari, for example. Thus, transferring an 8 GB VM image will take more than 3 minutes in the real world. All it took to explode that rocket less than a minute into its maiden voyage was a small computer program trying to stu a 64bit number into a 16-bit space. [Kumar 10b] Kiran Kumar and T. V. Prabhakar. For another, their mobility often makes weight a factor. Bene ts: This pattern can remove from individual components the policy about how many retries to allow before declaring a failure. 2. 2. Business goals may a ect the architecture without inducing a quality attribute requirement at all. Excellent organizational and facilitation skills are also a must for evaluators. Allowing operations to occur in parallel improves performance, because delays introduced in one thread allow the processor to progress on another thread. That is what happened with AF447: Its forward speed dropped below 60 knots, and the angle of attack was extremely high. Is architecture debt more or less detrimental than other kinds of debt, such as code debt, documentation debt, or testing debt? 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