chemosh vs yahweh

. 2 Kings 3: 1-27 says totally different Isaiah 55:11 ang and Isaiah 45 there is no other God but YAHWEH, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), #372. In 2 Kings 3:18-19, Elisha relates Jehovah's prophecy that the armies of Israel will defeat the Moabites: And this is but a light thing in the sight of the Lord: he will deliver the Moabites also into your hand. Of course, we cannot overlook the fact of . Mar 4. Over and over, Moab is defeated. 7. From this we can deduce a number of probable facts about Chemosh. Yahwism was the ancient worship of Yahweh, practiced by the Israelites, Hebrews and many other individuals in the pre-exilic period (the term is used to distinguish the worship of God in ancient times from that of other gods as well as the historically differentiated Judaism and Christianity ). Neither Elijah nor his biographer thought that the woman of Zarephath ought to give up the service of her Baal on the ground that there was no God but Yahweh. Is Joshua allowed to enter the Tent of Meeting OR are only Aaronid priests? no religions talk of their gods ever losing battles. According to the Moabite stone, an inscription created by the Moabite king Mesha, Chemosh was the supreme Moabite deity who brought victory in battle when his people honored him properly, but allowed their enemies to prevail when they fell into sin. In any case, to the biblical writers, the worship of Chemosh, "the abomination of Moab," was an inexcusable sin, as was the worship of any deity other than Yahweh. During the time of Ahab's son Joram, a king of Moab (perhaps Mesha) is described as sacrificing his son in order to gain the upper hand when he was in dire military straits. Produced by the First Bible Network: Yahweh vs. Chemosh: Battle of the Hebrew War Gods in II Kings 3:26. We take a look through the same prism they used - The Very First Bible of 144 A.D. - and it results in a perspective that may shock you. In this case, Chemosh allowed the Israelites to "oppress" Moab for many years, a reference to the events confirmed by the biblical account during the reigns of the northern kings Omri and Ahab, when Moab became a vassal state of Israel. But according to the one who says that he sacrificed him for the sake of idol worship, why would the verse state: And there wasindignation? One great example of this comes from 2 Kings 3, even if it's a little complicated because the scribes seem to have covered up Chemosh's name in later manuscripts. He also names Mesha as the son of Chemosh. Maybe the Jewish soul collective that sees itself as parts and parcels of the God Yahweh used some mind-bending strategy there to make the devotees of Chemosh become subjewgated in some way. 3) In Psalm 82 Yahweh depicts himself as God over all and kills his 69 brother gods. In 2 Kings 3, Moab was a vassal to Israel, and it decided to rebel against Israel. Indeed Judges 11:24 speaks of Chemosh as the god of the Ammonites. 6. Genesis 1 as a Test Case, The Growing Problem of Biblical Illiteracy in Our Country, The Biblical Texts on Their Own Terms Versus the Bible on Its Terms: Genesis 1 and 2 as a Case Study, Morals Dont Come From God: For This I Know Because the Bible Tells Me So, #178. Understanding our biblical texts as suchas they truly are!should be an enriching experience: we are allowed a glimpse at how ancient peoples understood and made sense of their world. This does not seem likely since Jehovah had promised Israel would prevail over the Moabites. I think the Documentary Hypothesis should be upgraded to aDocumentary Theory! Qetesh | The Israelites dont rightfully posses the land of Judah or lose it because of god Yahwehs decrees, rather that is how this ancient culture, as well as the other ancient cultures of the ancient Near East, viewed and understood their world. [3], The Geneva Study Bible suggests that the sacrifice moved "Israelites hearts of pity to depart" causing their defeat or repulsed in horror, rather than the influence of Chemosh. and ye shall smite every fenced city, and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree, and stop all wells of water, and mar every good piece of land with stones. (Gen 2:4b vs Gen 14:19), #327. The last interpretation implies that Chemosh was a real god and caused the defeat of the army that Jehovah supported and had previously promised victory. Likewise, whatever the Lord our God has given us, we will possess. Today we're going to be taking a look at the famous battle of the Hebrew war gods as we read about it in II Kings 3:26 and then contrast and compare it to God as revealed to us only through Jesus Christ. Why would an omnipotent being be in any need of war? God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the gods: 2 How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Chemosh, the subduer, was the national god of the Moabites and was also worshiped by the Ammonites. The meaning of the name Chemosh is not understood, though some scholars believe it may have meant "destroyer" or "subduer." Chemosh was also seen as a fish-god. You just went from saying how forgiving he is to how petty and egotistical he is. As a review of the discrepancies between the Moab traditions in our sources, I briefly note the following in chronological order: 1. Ugaritic mythology plainly states that the head of its pantheon, El (who, like the God of the Bible, is also referred to as El Elyon, the "Most High") fathered seventy sons, thereby specifying the number of the "sons of El" (Ugaritic, bn il). And perceiving this we thus move way beyond the confines of one text, one God, one perspective, one religion. The entire old testament talks about the failure of the people of God. Which god is the creator of the heavens and the earth: Yahweh OR El? Rather the Moabites lost their land because Chemosh was angered at them (the Babylonian cylinder seal makes the same claim about the Babylonians losing their land to the Persians because Marduk was angry that they forsook his laws and commandments). This appears to be the case, and every major city is destroyed except Kir Hareseth, or "Fortified City of Dirt." (v. 18-19). "The etymology of "Chemosh" is unknown. They encompass a much larger panorama: man in all his splendor and tragedy. (Ex 21:12-24 vs Matt 5:39). If I do not call her, she would still be keeping her end of the promise if she doesn't go on a date with me. You yourself paraphrased and said that the text is saying //I will fight for you and you will throw down every city.//, Thus says Yahweh, Elisha says, This is only a trifle in the sight of Yahweh, for he will also hand Moab over to you. in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. Moab was not "handed over". [4]. So, the question of the kings was, "what will God do if we fight Moab." The Moabite Stone is a priceless source of information concerning Chemosh. This page was last edited on 13 July 2014, at 19:04. Thank you for all your hard work here. The destroyer, subduer, or fish-god, the god of the Moabites (Numbers 21:29; Jeremiah 48:7, 13, 46).The worship of this god, "the abomination of Moab," was introduced at Jerusalem by Solomon (1 Kings 11:7), but was abolished by Josiah (2 Kings 23:13).On the "Moabite Stone" (q.v. Chemosh was the national deity of the Moabites whose name most likely meant "destroyer," "subduer," or "fish god." Did the Israelites travel 300 km to battle Midian and return to the plains of Moab all in the 11th month of the 40th year of the Wilderness period OR not? And I fought against the city and captured it. The cult of Chemosh was eventually destroyed in Judah by King Josiah ( 2 Kings 23 ). The polytheistic nature of this passage became clear with the discovery in 1929 of Ugarit (related to Hebrew) texts in modern-day Syria at Ras Shamra. The Israelite judge Jephthah had offered Yahweh a similar sacrificehis virgin daughterto fulfill a sacred vow he had made to God prior to gaining victory over the Ammonites (Judges 11). New World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article Was Yahweh one of the Moloch Gods? And his son followed him and he also said, I will humble Moab. In my time he spoke thus, but I have triumphed over him and over his house, while Israel has perished forever! ',,,,,,,, --- Send in a voice message: As noted in the footnotes of the NET bible: [2]. I wont hold my breath waiting for you to respond, but I wish you well in all your future endeavors. This article abides by terms of the Creative Commons CC-by-sa 3.0 License (CC-by-sa), which may be used and disseminated with proper attribution. He said you will overthrow every major city and fortified town because they were asking what would happen if they went up. King Mesha of Moab erected the Moabite Stone to his god Chemosh to commemorate Mesha's breaking of Israel's domination, which, he says, had lasted 40 years and was allowed by Chemosh because he was "angry with his land." This revolt of Moab is usually considered to be related to the events recorded in the third chapter of 2 Kings. Here as well, the Jewish people learned from the king of Moab to engage in human sacrifice.en Levi. They added a lot to the discussions and my own understanding. The fallen angel Belphegor was often connected to this deity. This may be seen in the Moabite Stone inscriptions where Chemosh is also referred to as "Asthor-Chemosh." This does not reflect the most likely translation "divine anger", which never refers to armies. (Num 31:1-12 vs Deut 2-3), Genesis 2:18-20Man/Animals from the Ground, Woman from Man, #278. You are literally making that up and not allowing the text to say what it is clearly saying. Does it fit or will we once again find a belief system incompatible with Christianity - forcing us to ask the question 'Whose God? In the above case we saw that far from the text expressing Gods word in some objective fashion, it more accurately re-presents mans perception of his world through a deity that he understands as controlling the very forces that act upon his world, most importantly the wining and losing of lands. Listen to Yahweh vs. Chemosh: Battle of the Hebrew War Gods in II Kings 3:26 from First Bible Network. [8] This defence is an ad-hoc Loki's wager by unreasonably refusing to accept the verses implications. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Email. The borders of Moab are from the Zered to the Jabbok, that is both the Moabite and Amorite territories of the J and D traditions. In this regard my educational and literary pursuits are much much greater than any believer. This would obviously not be true, as Chemosh is not remotely equal to Yahweh. in Early Christianity; D.E.A. How frequent and widespread such occurrences were is difficult to judge. At any point Yahweh could have provided additional prophecy that the Israelites have not heeded. If anyone's conclusions don't hold water it's yours. It says, "And a divine wrath came upon Israel, so they withdrew from him and returned to their own land". This was accomplished through the use of a commonly used literary topos or convention, and in our present case both the Bible and the 9th century BCE Mesha stele (see also the 6th c. Babylonian cylinder seal) bear witness to this literary convention. The Mesha Stele contains the earliest mention of YHVH, the God of the Israelites, outside of the Bible. Certainly in polytheistic religions, gods do lose battles. It identifies what we would call northern Moab as Amorite territory, that is from the Arnon river to the Jabbok, the borders of Ammon. The Hebrew scorn for his worship was evident in a curse from the scriptures:"the abomination of Moab." One says: The king sacrificed his son for the sake of Heaven, and one says: The king sacrificed his son for the sake of idol worship. Facebook. We also have a Moabite stele with this exact scenario inscribed, paralleling 2 Kings 3: "Omri was king of Israel, and oppressed Moab during many days, and Chemosh was angry with his aggressions and I took from it the vessels of Jehovah, and offered them before Chemosh And the king of Israel fortified Jahaz, and occupied it, when he made war against me, and Chemosh drove him out before me.". If he is all-good, why doesn't he avail himself of these means? (Num 21:29; Judg 11:24 & the Mesha stele vs Deut 2:24), #371. He was called by the ancient Israelites as "the abomination of Moab". The Bible in 2 Kings 3:4-5 verifies Mesha was the king of Moab during their revolt against Israel. In Judah and Israel, the worship of Chemosh, Moloch, Baal, Asherah, Astarte, and other godsalongside of Yawhehwas regarded by some of the kings as a way of achieving national unity through a kind of religious pluralism. 23 Now since the Lord, the God of Israel, has driven the Amorites out before his people Israel, what right have you to take it over? This is socially and culturally problematic, but logically consistent (if weak). S o begins one of the most extraordinary ancient documents ever found. Why would I take your advice when you said you are not going to address OP's debate directly? But the opportunity passed without improvement. Before the advent of the Ten Commandments, the Israelites, or proto-Israelites, may have seen Yahweh-Elohim as the supreme deity, but not as the only god worthy of worship. The Hebrew word there, , is exclusively used in Classical Hebrew to describe the wrath of a deity. Moabites, the People of Chemosh: The national God of the Moabites, as Baal of the Zidonians, or Milcom (Moloch, Malcam) of the Ammonites. This parallel is clear. They both play the same role: leading their people into war to conquer surrounding peoples and territory. So he could be more powerful? Such synthesis reveals the masculinization of Ashtoreth, a Canaanite goddess worshiped by Moabites and other Semitic peoples. Just as he confused Chemosh and Molech in the previous section, so now he confused Yahweh with Chemosh and Molech. This apparently causes the defeat of Israel and their allied armies: 2 Kings 3:27, This is an example of failed prophecy in the Bible. Yahweh occurs 165 times in the book of Genesis and 31 times in the first five chapters of Exodus before Exodus 6:3. 1. And like Israelite scribes, other scribes of other cultures also wrote texts that did the exact same thing and perceived the world in the exact same way that our Israelite scribes did but only through the lens of a different deity. "Deconstructing the past to make sense of today." God Had a Wife? Mesha vs. Omri and "his son") and god (Chemosh vs. Yahweh). (Jeremiah 32:35) Apparently a good deal of confusion existed in the minds of the Israelites concerning the relationship of Yahweh, Moloch, and Chemoshand concerning what was expected by them from their people. In short, the stele makes it clear that from the perspective of this Moabite scribe Chemosh controlled what befell the Moabites (blessings or curses) and who possessed the land. Thus, it would seem that Semitic regard for respective national deities operated similarly from region to region. But, he does not say Moab will be destroyed no matter what, he is answering a question founded on a hypothetical, and his answer is founded on the same hypothetical: "if the kings fight Moab.". Chemosh (from Hebrew , pronounced /emo/), was the primary god of the Moabites (Num. Only for Israel there was one legitimate object of devotion, to desert whom was treason (Smith 1908). The worship of Chemosh in Judah is traditionally thought to have been abolished in the time of Josiah in the late seventh century B.C.E. El | Elyon | Eshmun | The Gemara asks: Granted, according to the one who says that he sacrificed him for the sake of Heaven, this is as it is written: And there was great indignation against Israel, as the gentile attempted to honor God according to his understanding, while the Jewish people were straying from worshipping God, leading to Gods anger against them. 2) The Hebrew text underlying the Septuagint reading of Deuteronomy 32:8-9 (below) from the most ancient available manuscript evidence (The Dead Sea Scrolls) reveals that Yahweh did indeed have 69 brothers. ' " ( , ) ( , ) , The Gemara answers: This can be understood in accordance with the statement of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi. compare all religions to the jewish religion. ( , ) " . [7] Possibly Israel had the wrong allies and this angered Jehovah. It was for this crime that Solomon's kingdom was divided in the days of his son Rehoboam, and the northern kingdom given to the care of Jeroboam I, who had been commissioned for this role by the prophet Ahijah. The Lord has called these three kings to give them into the hand of Moab."'). 6 I said, You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High. 7 But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler., 8 Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance. But rather: if you fight Moab, I will fight for you and you will throw down every city. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. To cite this article click here for a list of acceptable citing formats.The history of earlier contributions by wikipedians is accessible to researchers here: The history of this article since it was imported to New World Encyclopedia: Note: Some restrictions may apply to use of individual images which are separately licensed. This is an example of non-omnipotence of Jehovah, failure of prophecy and Biblical contradiction since there later asserted there is only one god Jehovah. King Josiah destroyed the Israelite branch of the cult (2 Kings 23). Podcast Pre-Nicene PerspectiveYahweh vs. Chemosh: Battle of the Hebrew War Gods in II Kings 3:262023217 (Judges 11). Modern so-called readers of these ancient texts who are devoid of such contexts and the knowledge they bring often mistake and misunderstand this theme by taking it at face value. The Very First Bible: As already noted above, Yahweh had promised victory over the Moabites, so unless that was a false promise, it cannot be the case that He was angry at the Israelites and caused their defeat. 1. According to Vawter, none of the available English translations does justice to the original Hebrew of Genesis 31:13, which quite simply reads "I am the god Bethel" ('El Bet'el), who was a member of the Canaanite pantheon along with the rest of the above.4 The original meaning is therefore quite different from the traditional understanding: this god at Bethel is not the universal Lord who appeared at Bethel but just one god among many a local deity of a specific place. Identified verse by verse and explained using the most up-to-date scholarly information about the Bible, its texts, and the men who wrote them by Dr. Steven DiMattei. The Yahiwst sees this Transjordanian settlement (i.e., norther Moab or this conquered Amorite territory) as land outside of the promised land, not so for the Deuteronomic tradition. As Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi raises a contradiction: It is written concerning the Jewish people: You have not walked in My statutes, neither have you kept My ordinances; nor have you done according to the statutes of the nations that are round about you (Ezekiel 5:7), and it is also written: You have done according to the statutes of the nations that are round about you (Ezekiel 11:12). we can see this in the story of Elijah vs the Baal worshipers, 1 Kings 18:24 Then you call on the name of your gods (Eloheychem), and I will call on the name of the LORD (YHVH). and our In summary, Mesha realized that Chemosh waited to restore Moab in his day, for which Mesha was grateful to Chemosh. They represented the fierce, inescapable, and often consuming heat of the summer sun (a necessary but deadly element in life; analogs may be found in Aztec sun worship). But since they became afraid of the wrath of Chemosh, or because they were simply disgusted by the crazy act of the king, they left. [1] However, there is an even greater significance to this verse. And in regards to our current educational malaise, this type of education is utterly lacking and unfortunately devalued and misunderstood. The Moabites suffer a series of military defeats. Chemosh, ancient West Semitic deity, revered by the Moabites as their supreme god. Molech (king).The fire-god Molech was the tutelary deity of the children of Ammon, and essentially identical with the Moabitish Chemosh. However, the theme of promised land to a people by that peoples deity was a commonplace among the geopolitical and literary landscape of the ancient Near Eastern world. The god (ha-elohim) who answers by fire--he is God (ha-elohim)." 16, ln. Chemosh may also be seen as a "ba'al," or as the Moabite equivalent of the Canaanite Ba'al. Mesha says that he captured Nebo, a town located on the very mountain where Moses traditionally saw the promised land before dying. Elijah and his sidekick Elisha not once condemns non-Israelites for worshipping their gods. God, in answer to this question, says, "you will destroy it entirely." Biblical scholars have also noted that Chemosh's role in the Moabite Stone inscription is analogous to that of Yahweh in the book of Kings. In the Moabite Inscription, Chemosh's wrath ends in Yahweh's defeat and the fleeing of Israel. Jehovah had promised Israel would prevail over the Moabites and other Semitic peoples Josiah the... Speaks of Chemosh in Judah is traditionally thought to have been abolished in late... Happen if they went up not be true, as Chemosh is also referred to as Asthor-Chemosh... 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